So my cuttings rooted, what now?


Active Member
Hi everyone hope you are all doing well today:joint: After much struggle I finally got a couple cuttings to root. My question is when do I start feeding the little gals? Since they are from a mature plant do I feed them as such, or do I treat it more like a seedling and put off the nutes for a few weeks? Any help would be great!


Well-Known Member
all i have is my little experience, hopefully someone with greater knowledge will chime in. However, i know that many questions around here go unanswered.

I have the ezclone, and once i had a rootball the size of a racket ball or even smaller, more like a golf ball, i put it into flowering with my 2 month old huge plants. Its am ebb and grow so the 7 inch clone is getting what the others are getting as far as nutrient amount, and it looks good, no signs of nute burn or anything. My guess is feed it and dont treat it like a seedling.


Well-Known Member
Treat it like a seed basically. That's what I do. When you see the first roots, treat it as it's just sprouted it's first set of leaves. I usually just wait untill it showes the slightest sign that she's hungry for some N. Then start the feedings to be sure not to burn them

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
^^^^ agreed treat it like a seedling, if your going into soil the soil will have enough nutrients for a little while if your using another medium start with small doses and work your way up 1 thing to remember is you can always add more with every feed but you can't take it out as easily


Well-Known Member
Exactly. It all depends on what kind of soil you're using, and what size pots you have. I don't use any nutes at all, during veg, except a dose or three, of CalMag. I start nutes at the beginning of 12/12, which is at 4-5 weeks of age. By that time, they're in 3 gallon pots, with FF OF soil.


Active Member
When a cutting roots in a rapid rooter (7 days from cutting), I transplant into a 2" rockwool cube that was soaked with 400-500ppm nute solution under 400W HPS

I let it sit in the rockwool cube for 3-4 days with no additional watering (forces the roots to go into the rockwool more), then begin the 3 times daily veg watering at 500ppm.


Active Member
Thanks for the speedy responses you guys/gals! I will proceed as if they are seedlings, and hold on the nutes til they need them. These are my first clones, I'm excited to see how differently they grow than growing from seed. Also excited to keep this plant around for a long time!