So now that my girls are finally starting to flower, do I need to defoliate?


I've heard both sides of this argument, 1, strip the leaves so more resin/THC/energy goes to bud development, and 2., don't defoliate as the leaves produce the energy that goes to bed development. If I do defoliate, when and how much?

thanks much...


Active Member
Should do most your training in veg man.
The latest I trim on my plants is 3wks into flower.

I strip the lower 2/3 of my plants in veg leaving only the top 1/3 of growth.
It gives me much better bud density, uniformity and yield out of my plants.
And I don't have a ton of popcorn bud to trim, that's the main reason I do it.
When I say I "strip the plant" what im saying is ALL growth that dose not reach the top 1/3 of the plant is cut off.
Leaves, Branches, Bud sites they all get chopped off.

Not sure who told you it would make the plant produce more resin/THC? Cause that's a load of BS.


Well-Known Member
I would defoliate only lower growth that stop good airflow. As pot head says Lollipoping is a good treatment. Lets all airflow through the plant & gives more Nutes & energy to the top of your plant where it counts.


Active Member
I think what he meant is that the foliage and fan leaves are the parts that absorb the majority of the light, being as its necessary in the photosynthesis. Ultimately I would say it really depends on conditions, what kinda lights are you using for flowering and do u have a reflective wall to maximize light penetration? With proper setup no cropping or trimming is necessary. If you lack proper lighting u can still go without trimming if you use lst know for short of low stress training, this method of growing allows the lower leaves light penetration were the big top leaves block most of the light, but if your not particular to bending the plants and doing low stress them chop away leaves that block light to the lower fan leaves. The more light the plant can intake the better the yield will be


I think what he meant is that the foliage and fan leaves are the parts that absorb the majority of the light, being as its necessary in the photosynthesis. Ultimately I would say it really depends on conditions, what kinda lights are you using for flowering and do u have a reflective wall to maximize light penetration? With proper setup no cropping or trimming is necessary. If you lack proper lighting u can still go without trimming if you use lst know for short of low stress training, this method of growing allows the lower leaves light penetration were the big top leaves block most of the light, but if your not particular to bending the plants and doing low stress them chop away leaves that block light to the lower fan leaves. The more light the plant can intake the better the yield will be
These are autoflowers, growing in 5-gal buckets outside in natural light. Leaf density is not so great that light isn't penetrating, in fact most colas have extended beyond the major leaf sets. I just want (like all of us...0 the biggest, densest buds I can get... :-)


Active Member
I would defoliate only lower growth that stop good airflow. As pot head says Lollipoping is a good treatment. Lets all airflow through the plant & gives more Nutes & energy to the top of your plant where it counts.
What he said!

Thanks Budsworth: Forgot to add that all the energy that would be wasted growing small airy popcorn buds is redirected to the upper buds.
Thats the main reason I do it.
I get way more nice golf ball sized rock hard buds, without all that energy wasting crap on the bottom that wont amount to much in the end gone.


Active Member
Believe me Ziffy I know it sounds counter productive to start chopping off 2/3 of a plant.
It will test your nerves for sure, taking the leap and aggressively trimming the plant is a hard thing to do the first few times.
Not only is it hard when you are doing it, but you will then second guess yourself for a few weeks.
And thinking why did I listen to the A-Holes on RIU? I F-ed my plant up!

But then you will start to see the top of the plant explode with big uniform rock hard buds and it will all make sense.
Its simply a way to get rid of anything that will take energy away from the big uniform buds that will make you smile.

It also makes the plant much easier to work with, you will be able to get at the pot much easier for watering......
It will increase air flow, even when growing outdoors this is necessary to cut down the risks of mold and pest problems.

And boy ill tell you it will save soooooo much headache when you are trimming!
Not having a shit load of popcorn bud to deal with is a good enough reason for me to do it.
I use my trim and popcorn for hash and starting to try making edibles again, But I still don't like having allot of popcorn bud.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like I'm the minority here, but I say leave your leaves on. If you can remove a few of the lower popcorn buds, that might be beneficial, but overall, I suggest leaving your leaves on.


Active Member
That was a very interesting article and may be something I will try on my next grow I'm very curious as to how well it actually worked


Well-Known Member
i would have to agree with the leave the leaves on crowd. if your doing a sog grow and need the airflow that's different. outside i would stake, trellis, screen, or lst the major branches to maximize light penetration. indoors i pinch off the popcorn that i know isnt going to ammount to anything but i dont touch the leaves unless theres an airflow issue- the concern there would be pm not energy leaching. if the plant doesnt need a leaf it will canniblize it.


Well-Known Member

im trying out the heavy defol method on this plant and im liking it so far. the pic is before the final defoliation, i should have scrogged and vegged longer to maximize the effect kinda screwed up on that. not all plants respond well to it. just like some plants dont like topping or fimming, know the strain before trying anything crazy on your babies.


Well-Known Member
These are autoflowers, growing in 5-gal buckets outside in natural light. Leaf density is not so great that light isn't penetrating, in fact most colas have extended beyond the major leaf sets. I just want (like all of us...0 the biggest, densest buds I can get... :-)
Outside, natural light, 5 gallon buckets?

LTTFA, they will be fine. All that other doo dah stuff really doesn't apply if you're outside.



Well-Known Member
All that other doo dah stuff really doesn't apply if you're outside.
Agreed. I just thought I should mention that leaves are translucent, which means that they are getting light THROUGH the leaves many people think are blocking the light. Leaves are quite efficient at getting the most out of a little bit of light. You will have plenty of "ambient" light, especially if outside. The only time I remove leaves is when they are touching each other a good bit and holding moisture between them. I do this to prevent fungus and disease.


I haven't been back to this thread in several weeks. Thank you all for your replies. I did do some thinning of lower leaves, but I didn't defoliate. These plants are getting over 8 hours a day of direct sunshine ( I love my wife... ) I'm thinking I've got several weeks of flowering time yet, so hopefully the buds will get bigger. I have not seen a lot of growth there... How do these look? IMG_20130701_092135.jpg


Active Member
You can do as you see fit but I believe you should get all the lower bull off to and put all the growth to the main colas