So optimistically it might be a hermie?!?!


Well-Known Member
I'd have free meds for you if you were close by.
Perhaps you could attend a legalization function, prolly meet some growers there that could give you a couple clones.

All the best to you, your investment will pay off.

Rev. Chuck

yeargghhh....being challenged...apparently the light wanted to swing and sleep on my seedling burning the cotyledons and stem...I had held some hope it may repair itself in spite of common sense telling me no way
good news germinating seems not to be a problem, pollen collecting went well off the male..
Thank You Two...that's at least very cool to hear...getting out tends to be one of my issues
I think the investment will in time just working on getting the what not to do's out of the way early



Well-Known Member
I know this is a late reply but just wanted to say that I have had Indica plants with some trichromes on the males. I rubbed the resin off and made a small ball of hash before killing the males. I was letting them grow out to use to fertilize a branch of some good Mexican Sativa I had grown. The hash was potent.