So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

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New Member
Long time Lurker, 1st time poster...I have started my very first grow from seeds purchased from North Country Seeds. They are a sister company of Vancouver Seed Bank. I have a few elementary questions, which are mostly based on my extreme paranoia and inexperience in growing cannabis. I have grown many other plants, but this is my first go with sweet sweet cheeba. I have searched and searched in this forum and many others for the exact answers to the questions and I am honestly just tired of sitting on my computer for hours scouring the same threads over and over…(and so is my significant other, as he would probably like some attention too) KISS…I know I know...

This is the basics for my stealth cabinet grow...
50% CocoCoir 50% Perlite
3 Gallon buckets-just transplanted 2 days ago
a little under 4 weeks in Veg under 200 watt CFL ( I have a HO T5 and more CFLs for flowering stage)
Feeding my little buddies General Organics basically on the nutrient schedule, sometimes a little more as they are heavy feeders…
I've done some LST and light super cropping

I have a 15MP, 20X zoom Canon, I would like to apologize in advance as it is a nice point and shoot but I do not know how to basically do anything besides just that, on the "auto" mode...

Is there a chance that the seed bank sent me tomato plants? LOL. No really, it is a cross between C99 x Deep Chunk so I understand that some may have saliva tendencies and some may have Indica…and of course the phenotypes…but DAMNNNN do they look completely different. They look spindly and ugly and nothing like any cannabis plant I have ever seen…I would guess lack of light, plant stress etc etc, but I have one doing amazing (tight internode spacing, lush and green, 7-9 fan leaves etc) and the variance is crazy considering all other factors are exactly the same.

Is there a chance that my plants would already be showing some pre flowers? And along those same lines what the heck are these flower looking things? They look like clusters of balls, and I also realize that these usually open up and turn into leaves but its been 4 days since I noticed these little clusters and they haven't grown bigger or opened up.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU….for reading through my crazy, paranoid, silly mess of a first post. I would also like to thank just about everyone on this site for the extensive information sharing and knowledge. You have tremendously helped me...


Well-Known Member
Post a pic of the whole plant. I sawnothing that looks like balls. But leaves do look funky.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell if you have a white hair on that second node or girl parts, just a little blurry. I think what you are wondering about closer to your fingers are new nodes starting to send up shoots.

I think you picked a very difficult medium for your first grow but I hope you are enjoying the journey! Good luck.


Well-Known Member
To the right of my middle finger is the tiny cluster of balls
Uhhh i think that IS a tomato plant,,, what did the seed look like? Do you have any more? Please take pics of you do.
marijuana plants dont grow hairy stalks like this and the leaves arent pot leaves.. Have you tried the vancouver seed bank?
i live in bc canada and buy from them and have had good results.
please post pics of the seeds and a whole pic of that plant..
Im p sure you got ripped, how much did you pay for the seeds?


Well-Known Member
First pic definitely has the signs of a tomato plant. Second pic is too early to tell sex.



Well-Known Member
BTW, great thread title for getting views! We've all probably messed up a few plants in our time, nothing to be embarrassed about. Plenty more seeds out there.


Well-Known Member
I just glanced at first photo and thought it was horribly malnourished mj. Closer inspection, sure does look like tomato!


Well-Known Member
I'd email this thread to your seed vendor and let them know you'll be posting on how they handle this.


Well-Known Member
so let me get this bought cannabis seeds and they sent you tomato seeds instead? hahahahhaaaahhaaahahaaa. now i heard everything.


Well-Known Member
I think OP is serious.
im going to email the seedbank and pretend im you so i can get free seeds..
joking.. But this is what you really should do.
get yo money back.
cant you tell weed seeds and tomato seeds apart?
didnt you think it was kinda weird that the two seeds you planted were different?
like, very different lol.


New Member
1. I think I said in my original post that I've grown many other plants. So yes, I know exactly what a tomato seed looks like. All the seeds looked exactly alike.

2. Anyone can feel free to email the seed bank to get free seeds, I won't be doing business with North Country or VSB. This was the first and last time.Plus, I have other seeds from a more reliable source I was saving for a rainy day.

3. I just figured that I wouldn't let them go waste. I make a meannnnnnnnnn salsa…

and now, back to lurking…. :)
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