So to help out the newbies heres a shopping list of basically must haves


Well-Known Member
Hard to argue with these supplies
1st off I noticed alot of people don't buy descent soil. Get Kelloggs garden and bloome if u can find it thats the best value soil for MJ
I use roots organics 15$ a bag
as for nutrients aurrourra innovations sell starter packs for under 30 and its complete and u will grow the best weed u ever had
comes in organic and synthetic and master master has both synthetic and organics organics taste better do great in soil but are complicated to use in a hydro system thus synthetics although if you use organic mutes u have to use reverse osmosis water which you should be doing no matter what because tap water is extremely contaminated and has alot of particles that are bad for plants and salts in water black nutrient uptake
dont get fox far ocean forrest unless you are in flowiering or mix it with happy from because it will burn your plants... I dont use Foxfarm for various reasons.
roots organics is all premixed and is literally plug-n-play
plant will only be as good as soil

anyways i notice alot of people buying bad soil so dont


Well-Known Member
I have used FFOF and Roots Organic...the Roots is easier to deal with because it isn't as heavy nuted as FFOF, I prefer the FFOF because I am not going to be overwatering, so it can't burn my plants...and the FFOF nutes last way longer...with Roots organic I get 2 weeks of feed free waterings before i have to start adding a little nutes here and there...but with FFOF you can easily get a month to a month and a half before you have to add anything...


Well-Known Member
And a fan should be number one on the list...

When people first start out they aren't as into it as someone that has been enjoying this hobby for a while, so they try to cut out things that they don't think they must have...but you must have a fan, even if you are using CFLs...the fan is more for the motion and strength of the plants than it is for heat.


Well-Known Member
Ummm also all the stuff about water is incorrect as well...
Distilled water is worthless to plants in soil, but great for DWC...
If your tap or well water is safe for you to drink then it will grow plants just fine...if anyone is too worried about their municipal water then just start collecting rain water outside...but know that the same things in the rainwater are in your drinking water...


Well-Known Member
Ummm also all the stuff about water is incorrect as well...
Distilled water is worthless to plants in soil, but great for DWC...
If your tap or well water is safe for you to drink then it will grow plants just fine...if anyone is too worried about their municipal water then just start collecting rain water outside...but know that the same things in the rainwater are in your drinking water...
BS dude distilled water makes a huge difference in soil. tap where I live is garbage and almost killed my babies when I was starting out. ALWAYS USE DISTILLED WATER IN SOIL.

BS there is a huge difference between completely natural rainwater and chloride and flouride infested tap water.

All around bad info.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
BS dude distilled water makes a huge difference in soil. tap where I live is garbage and almost killed my babies when I was starting out. ALWAYS USE DISTILLED WATER IN SOIL.

BS there is a huge difference between completely natural rainwater and chloride and flouride infested tap water.

All around bad info.
It's where you live, that will tell you if you water will work?Being a weed plant, though, I would think most tap water will work, well mine does.


Well-Known Member
No...... If you have to use any kind of bottled water for soil, go with a mineral water like Ozarka or something similar unless you want to add Cal/Mag and possibly iron to your water. Tap water over 200ppm, yes use a different water source. But if it's under 200ppm, tap water is fine (for soil) if left out 24-48 hours to let chlorine dissipate.


Active Member
I've never used distilled water and never will for soil. This is not mad science.

I'd also be leary of all the salts in mineral water


Well-Known Member
meant to say spring water (Ozarka)...dunno where mineral water came from. I guess they do sell mineral water don't they :\ Don't use mineral water lol


New Member
This thread assumes a lot (soil grow , shitty tap water, etc) and covers nothing but dirt and a brand of nutes, not even which nutes to get in their line up. You need to keep the whole environment within certain parameters and the best nute line up won't do shit for bagseed in a 103* F cabinet w 400w of incandescents.


Well-Known Member
I use water from my planted aquariums... It starts out rodi with 0 tds but is full of nitrogen, co2, silica and ect


New Member
Sorry. But this is one of the worst "must have" lists I've ever seen.

Being many use different soils, nutes, systems and room types, a must have list among all growers is pretty short. I can't think of much other then a pH meter.

I would use nothing but supersoils if I wasn't using FFOF. A simple perlite and low or non-nuted soil like Light Warrior can be mixed into FFOF to avoid any possible burn issues in early seedling and veg. As a matter of fact this is old info. I think I burnt my first of three seedlings in about a dozen grows that comes out to about 70 plants total, 3-4 years ago, because I didn't mix the FFOF with anything. A pretty simple fix.

What is your "variety" of reasons that you don't use FFOF?

And tap water in most US cities is just fine. Allowing it to sit out 24 hours is all that is need to rid it of any contaminates. As for Russia, where you claim to be from, I imagine tap water sucks being that nation's infrastructure is a disaster, even compared to ours.


New Member
The cleanest tap water on average is located around the great lakes region. Some of the worst tap water in the nation is in LA, Riverside all the way down to San Diego.
As a state, Texas overall, not counting Houston, has some of the cleanest water.


New Member
My tap water is 130ppm but dunno what's in it. I buy the gallon jugs of purified r/o water from the grocery store since I don't need that much water. And I think the #1 most important thing to have if you expect any sort of yield is decent light. Doesn't matter if you're indoors outdoors hydro soil organic or synthetic. Shitty lights = shitty nugs.


Well-Known Member
And a fan should be number one on the list...

When people first start out they aren't as into it as someone that has been enjoying this hobby for a while, so they try to cut out things that they don't think they must have...but you must have a fan, even if you are using CFLs...the fan is more for the motion and strength of the plants than it is for heat.
Fans - note the plural. Not only for heat control but for good air exchange. Plants need an exchange of air regularly to bring in unused O2 and CO2. Everybody pays huge attention to lights and even more to nutrients.


Well-Known Member
the title to this thread could have been...Must haves for a beginner written by a beginner who doen't know any better.