So UM...Yeah Whats For Thanksgiving?


Well-Known Member
My mom is out of state visiting my sisters. So Thanksgiving dinner is up to me and the wifey this year. Having my dad and brother come over. Probably a Turkey, greenbean casserole, cheesy potatoes and some homemade bread. And for dessert probably a few beers and football. And a nap. :-)


Well-Known Member
I am so excited...I get to make Thanksgiving dinner this year! Just the traditional, but yummm. I will make homemade cranberry jelly with orange and ginger, apple, sage, and sausage stuffing, these hella good cheesy, sour creamy, chivey, mashed potatoes my mom used to make when I was a kid, green beans with bacon, red onions, mushrooms, and red wine (for my grandma, who just passed away, it was her favorite), and of course - turkey ;) My mom will be making the pies: apple, pumpkin, and my grandma's famous cheesecake.