So what are you doing on december 21st?


Well-Known Member
I know you guys will think me crazy, but there's a good chance bad things will happen pretty soon. The Mayans inherited the calendar from the Aztec's. No one knows where they got it. We are traveling through the galactic plane, NASA says its true. Major earthquakes are increasing at an exponential rate, litereally, and our magnetosphere is doing insaine things. The F1 layer of the ionosphere is SUPER charged right now, and its only getting worse. The mayans wrote of the last ending of an age, which was the great flood. This time its fire. I'm more worried about WW3 my self,...


Well-Known Member
I know you guys will think me crazy, but there's a good chance bad things will happen pretty soon. The Mayans inherited the calendar from the Aztec's. No one knows where they got it. We are traveling through the galactic plane, NASA says its true. Major earthquakes are increasing at an exponential rate, litereally, and our magnetosphere is doing insaine things. The F1 layer of the ionosphere is SUPER charged right now, and its only getting worse. The mayans wrote of the last ending of an age, which was the great flood. This time its fire. I'm more worried about WW3 my self,...
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New Member
I know you guys will think me crazy, but there's a good chance bad things will happen pretty soon. The Mayans inherited the calendar from the Aztec's. No one knows where they got it. We are traveling through the galactic plane, NASA says its true. Major earthquakes are increasing at an exponential rate, litereally, and our magnetosphere is doing insaine things. The F1 layer of the ionosphere is SUPER charged right now, and its only getting worse. The mayans wrote of the last ending of an age, which was the great flood. This time its fire. I'm more worried about WW3 my self,...
So this means more job right?


Well-Known Member
I know you guys will think me crazy, but there's a good chance bad things will happen pretty soon. The Mayans inherited the calendar from the Aztec's. No one knows where they got it. We are traveling through the galactic plane, NASA says its true. Major earthquakes are increasing at an exponential rate, litereally, and our magnetosphere is doing insaine things. The F1 layer of the ionosphere is SUPER charged right now, and its only getting worse. The mayans wrote of the last ending of an age, which was the great flood. This time its fire. I'm more worried about WW3 my self,...
I plan on dying horrific death of apocalyptic proportions as is preordained by the great Mayan culture. Or maybe I will just find some Mayan Bliss and smoke the day away.


Well-Known Member
a buddy of mine suggested we do somehing we'll regret for the rest of our lives just incase it goes down and if it doesnt then haha, no homo shit though but ill most likely be dropping some dmt and blasting off


Well-Known Member
That is so cold.

I wonder what I can do on 12/21 that would scare the piss out of my family like that?
I can think of a few things but none of them are exactly safe for the family or the house...And all of them involve fire. Isn't that whats supposed to happen?