So what do you all think ??


Active Member
So i decided to keep my 1 plant and still veg some more hopfully ready in time when i get my hps light up and running. but shes looking great now. i vegged her for 6 weeks with only blue spectrum light and right when i switched to red and went to 12/12 n gave her 10-54-10 nutes, she has been doing great. getting very tall tho, im a lil worried. i can only raise my light another foot... foot and a half MAX! does anyone have an estimate how much taller shes gona get??

on another note. my seedlings are doing great. its been 8 days since they came out of the soil and are looking real nice for their age. im hoping both are female!! if not i will top one.

so overall things are lookin good right now. temps are staying at 30 degrees celcius ( 85* F ) my friend has the heat turned down low in his basement and leaves the closet door open a crack with a fan about 6 feet away. seems to be working. i still would like to get my hps (400 watt) running asap. need to buy the ballast and light fixture... so how many plants can 1 400w hps grow in this closet space anyway? is one light enough or should i use both bulbs?

any opinions/comments/suggestions/feedback would be great lol thanks! pics below:leaf:



Active Member
how long has your plant been on 12/12?
its been in flowering ( 12/12 ) for almost 3 weeks now. i know it looks a bit streached but is not. i had my light 1 & 1/2 inches away the entire grow up until a few days ago. it is sativa tho. they grow taller and take longer to flower than indica


Well-Known Member
lookin awsome i agree with wasd add some light to that beastie plant, but otherwise lookin awsome, keep rockin the gonja


Active Member
plants are gonna atleast double when flowering. sativas can get even bigger tho. you'll probly be alright if you're already 3 weeks in


Active Member
yea i hope it does alright, shes been growing at least half an inch every day ( for the past 5 days). i REALLY need to get myself a ph meter. but thanks for the help. if anyone else has comments/suggestions or can help with my other questions? that be awsome! :leaf:


Active Member
yea i hope it does alright, shes been growing at least half an inch every day ( for the past 5 days). i REALLY need to get myself a ph meter. but thanks for the help. if anyone else has comments/suggestions or can help with my other questions? that be awsome! :leaf:


id go lowr on the nitrogen and consentrate on the P and K. she still need N but if you lower the % she will not gow as tall and concentrate on the roots and general health. Long internode length suggest she is stretching for the light.


Active Member
id go lowr on the nitrogen and consentrate on the P and K. she still need N but if you lower the % she will not gow as tall and concentrate on the roots and general health. Long internode length suggest she is stretching for the light.
it literally streached over one foot in 7days with the light 1 and a 1/2 inches away. i geuss its just sativa flowering growth. ( 80% of my outdoor grows were indica ). but leafs keep coming from the tip'main'cola but is starting to explode with hairs n such so im really hoping it stops in a few days. i cant see it growing another foot.... as for the nutes i only have SCHULTZ 10-54-10 bloom builder. but im going to mix a small dose soon into a spray bottle and feed it with sprays when the lights go out. also have fresh all natural potting mix.. lots of room to top the soil. il post some pics when it hits week 4. anyone wana add? feel free


Active Member
Try to get some more lights man that would help out, and slowly build up on the fertilizer.
yea man. all the lights i have now is all i can get. the veg ones will do fine. no problems. but for the big girl i only got 1 red spectrum cfl (2700k) and a 150 watt red specrum grow design incandessant. BUT i do have 2! 400watt HPS sylvania lumalux bulbs :) lol i just need to buy the ballast and light fixture :( im hoping to have it by the end of this month. not sure yet tho. i think it should hold up til then?