So what does the claw meen anyways??


Active Member
into flower with my giant now and unuder a 400 watt hps and its a bit close to my plant but the branches are tied down exposing the lower buds so i dont think its from heat stress but new bud sites are kind of clawing and i just wana know from some pros what it is??
what is the useual cause of clawing?


Active Member
im using cocos and advanced hydroponic dutch formula, and yeah im stepping it up a bit im trying to load it with as much nutes as possible and i stopped giving it grow already and put more bloom and a little more micro too, and sum mineral magic wich i sprinkle around the base of the trunk before watering, it kind of seems like its getting a little better but do you think it would decrease potency of my bud if i didnt put as much bloom as i can in there?
Does more phospherous meen more bud and potency?
bloom i meen


Active Member
The "claw", especially in the upper tops of the plant, is cauzed by overwatering/lack of oxygen in soil, and alittle too much nutrients.
BACK OFF the watering abit.
Water, feed, water, feed, water, feed.
Do not water until you can stick your finger all the way into your soil before getting any dampness. This is called cycling. Lift your pots to see if they are getting lite. If they are still heavy then do not water or feed. Let your plant tell you its thirsty. Wait until the bottom leaves just start to droop abit from lack of water. (Do not mistake for overwatering droop).
Use 1/2 of the nutes your using now. If you have to water everyday the temps are either too hot or the plant is not in a big enough pot.


Well-Known Member
thats not a very good idea bro sorry...
I'm curious. Why not? I thought it was a pretty good answer, but maybe there's extra info we're missing out on?

One thing you should consider though is that less is sometime more when it comes to fertiliser...and overwatering is a common cause of the "claw" problem...

In answer to your question, more phosphorus does not = more bud/potency.

Genetics will be the main factor deciding how big and potent it will grow. You simply need to provide it with enough of the light, nitrogen, Co2, phosphorus etc that it needs to maximise its genetic potential. There's really no point giving it more nutes than it can use. In fact, the extra nutes will build up as salt in the soil and you will end up with lock-out problems. Similarly, if you give a plant too much light you can end up stunting it. Less is sometimes more!

So the point is not to force-feed your plants like they're sumo wrestlers. Just give them enough so that they have all the chemicals they need to get on with the business of growing to their maximum potential.


Well-Known Member
i dont understand what is wrong with that idea it seems to me that your over nuteing your plants and/or overwatering just lay off of it for awhile and see if that helps.


New Member
In hydro I go 2 weeks feeding, 3 days water/flush

In soil I go feed, tea, feed, tea, water, feed, tea, feed, tea, flush.

Works great for me. feed / water is a little light in my opinion. you don't give the plants enough time to uptake some of the nutrients. especially if you have pH fluctuations.


New Member
the claw means your killing your plants excessive nitrogen toxicity, excessive heat over and underwatering your plants can also cause this once your leafs show signs of the claw its litterally erreversable flush to rid excessive salts and nitrogen look at new growth for signs of improvments
what you actually have done is damaged the plants cardiovascular


Active Member
i didnt think it was a good idea because he said cut my nutrients in half?? yeah the watering i understand but i think if i cut my nutes in half it would start to show deficiancies, new growth isnt clawing though so i think its not so bad...i flushed it to get ris of some saltz and stuff about a week ago it seemed to help a little bit
and if i cut down on my bloom do any of you guys think that my potency would decrease??'


Active Member
Why do you think that's not a very good idea? You were talking to imagiant right?
well im not using soil for 1, i dont water ever with just water unless i flush, and im pretty sure my plant likes it :D...its not my first grow or anything ya know and i know this particular stain pretty fucking well too and its loving the nutrient overload but the clawing started before i started watering every day...i used to just water every 2 days but the pot is now full of roots
i was told how to use my stuff by sum damn good pros heh


Active Member
I'm curious. Why not? I thought it was a pretty good answer, but maybe there's extra info we're missing out on?

One thing you should consider though is that less is sometime more when it comes to fertiliser...and overwatering is a common cause of the "claw" problem...

In answer to your question, more phosphorus does not = more bud/potency.

Genetics will be the main factor deciding how big and potent it will grow. You simply need to provide it with enough of the light, nitrogen, Co2, phosphorus etc that it needs to maximise its genetic potential. There's really no point giving it more nutes than it can use. In fact, the extra nutes will build up as salt in the soil and you will end up with lock-out problems. Similarly, if you give a plant too much light you can end up stunting it. Less is sometimes more!

So the point is not to force-feed your plants like they're sumo wrestlers. Just give them enough so that they have all the chemicals they need to get on with the business of growing to their maximum potential.
thanks man thats very helpfull because i dont know if the nutes have been stressing the plant but it dosent seem like its hating it or anything...idk man...ile put some pictures up today how about that?:) theres not signs of too much nutes at the moment though


Active Member
Im done answering posts with anyone under 200 posts. Sorry but its a waste of time for me to give solid advice to noobs anymore if all they do is fuckin argue. PEACE!


Active Member
Im done answering posts with anyone under 200 posts. Sorry but its a waste of time for me to give solid advice to noobs anymore if all they do is fuckin argue. PEACE!
i believe you bro i know you have good info dont get all butt hurt,
but i only added sum mineral magic and the claw kind of went away and everythings looking a little better
so all those things werent really necissary were they?
im only a noob to this site but not to growing and i wasnt trying to argue... sorry