So what happens with Obamacare

YOu know honestly

If Obamacare was so bad.
The Republicans and Tea baggers would just let it take effect without trying to sabotage it.

Then they could ride to victory in elections

Maybe they oppose it for another reason though

This is political pageantry for the 2014 midterms. The Republicans don't expect to kill Obamacare now; if they actually succeed in delaying the individual mandate for another year, that's exactly what they plan to ride to victory in 2014.

Obama will be a lame duck; 20 Democrat Senate seats will be up versus just 16 Republican. Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia, and West Virginia are all possible Republican pickups--some of those Democrats only made it into office in the first place riding Obama's momentum in 2008. With the exception of Maine and New Jersey, all of the Republican Senate seats up in 2014 are in Republican territory.
This is political pageantry for the 2014 midterms. The Republicans don't expect to kill Obamacare now; if they actually succeed in delaying the individual mandate for another year, that's exactly what they plan to ride to victory in 2014.

Obama will be a lame duck; 20 Democrat Senate seats will be up versus just 16 Republican. Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia, and West Virginia are all possible Republican pickups--some of those Democrats only made it into office in the first place riding Obama's momentum in 2008. With the exception of Maine and New Jersey, all of the Republican Senate seats up in 2014 are in Republican territory.

So it is not about being for the benefit of the people

It's about political power at the cost of the people

Thank you for admintting that
I actually wanted healthcare for everyone but this is looking like a fucking joke.
Its a complete sell out to the drug and insurance companies. Obama has seriously fucked this one up.
It may bankrupt us and what the fuck good is there expensive silver plan that only covers 60 percent?
I actually wanted healthcare for everyone but this is looking like a fucking joke.
Its a complete sell out to the drug and insurance companies. Obama has seriously fucked this one up.
It may bankrupt us and what the fuck good is there expensive silver plan that only covers 60 percent?
According to the National Journal’s Influence Alley, at the very same time the American Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)—the health insurance industry super lobby—was cutting a deal with the White House leading to its stated support of the proposed Obamacare legislation, they were secretly funneling huge amounts money to the Chamber of Commerce to be spent on advertising designed to convince the public that the legislation should be defeated.
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What Bomb Buried in Obamacare? Tim WorstallContributor
The Bomb Buried In Obamacare Explodes Today-Hallelujah! Rick UngarContributor
An Easy To Follow Primer For This Week's SCOTUS Healthcare Ruling Rick UngarContributor
How much money?
A stunning $102.4 million spent over just 15 months.
While one would not think that so much money could be spent in secret, AHIP pulled it off by utilizing a completely legal process of funneling the cash to the Chamber under the radar while putting the giant expenditure on their books under the simple heading of ‘advocacy’.
Perhaps chesus but if this law would of been debated and championed by a leader unlike
Pelosi who is so fucking moronic she said we have to pass it to see whats in it maybe we
would have a good law. What happened to senators listening to there constituents?
Oh thats right the public new nothing on what was in it because the law was passed in the dark of night without reading it. I am glad you recognize that Obama sold Americans out to the corporations for a few dollars cheesus.
Perhaps chesus but if this law would of been debated and championed by a leader unlike
Pelosi who is so fucking moronic she said we have to pass it to see whats in it maybe we
would have a good law. What happened to senators listening to there constituents?
Oh thats right the public new nothing on what was in it because the law was passed in the dark of night without reading it. I am glad you recognize that Obama sold Americans out to the corporations for a few dollars cheesus.

There is this TV channel called C Span and it covered the entire debate all of it. maybe you were too busy watching FOX news to notice
There is this TV channel called C Span and it covered the entire debate all of it. maybe you were too busy watching FOX news to notice

Why do you think they did not let us Americans vote on it? Because it would not have passed at all. We the people did not want this abortion of health care that odumba dumped on us.
YOu know honestly

If Obamacare was so bad.
The Republicans and Tea baggers would just let it take effect without trying to sabotage it.

Then they could ride to victory in elections

Maybe they oppose it for another reason though

gittin your ass paddled in another argument?

Change The Subject!!

Sosh Security and medicare are perfect examples of left social programs. they promise the moon and the stars, deliver SHIT, and when they go bankrupt...

Make The Rich Pay For It!!

obamacare will follow the same course, pandering to the hoi polloi giving them presents from the pockets of the Evil Wealthy, and sabotaging the work of others.
December 2,
- Leading
conservative operative William Kristol privately circulates a strategy
document to Republicans in Congress. Kristol writes that congressional
Republicans should work to "kill" -- not amend -- the Clinton plan because it
presents a real danger to the Republican future: Its passage will give the
Democrats a lock on the crucial middle-class vote and revive the reputation of
the party. Nearly a full year before Republicans will unite behind the "Contract
With America," Kristol has provided the rationale and the steel for them to
achieve their aims of winning control of Congress and becoming America's
majority party. Killing health care will serve both ends.

more unattributed copy/paste, this time with such a powerful lefty spin that it murders the truth rather than just raping it.

identifying Hillarycare and Obamacare as "Healthcare is such a blatant disregard of the truth that it could only come from Government Media Sources...

i dont know about you but no insurance company rep ever gave me any "Care", and they sure as fuck never gave me any "Health"


you just keep building that rickety construct higher. then you can scuttle to a new topic when it falls apart.
The one advantage to the US having a nation of uneducated people is cheap labor. Right wing voters are the serfs of the 21st century in your country. Keep them around and work the shit out of them after the left takes control. Beating a slave is not illegal.
The one advantage to the US having a nation of uneducated people is cheap labor. Right wing voters are the serfs of the 21st century in your country. Keep them around and work the shit out of them after the left takes control. Beating a slave is not illegal.

Q: how is a Chicano like a Cue Ball?

A: The harder you hit them, the more English you get out of them.

welcome to Beautiful Colombia...

The one advantage to the US having a nation of uneducated people is cheap labor. Right wing voters are the serfs of the 21st century in your country. Keep them around and work the shit out of them after the left takes control. Beating a slave is not illegal.
WTF? get your head out of our Ass , time for you to take a breath of fresh air.
What loser country are you from?
WTF? get your head out of our Ass , time for you to take a breath of fresh air.
What loser country are you from?

The numbers do not lie. What is it, 85% have less than a Bachelors degree? It seems a country about to be full of nothing but workers only qualified for jobs in goods and services. No slave, I don't want mustard on my hamburger.

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hmmmmmm..i guess we have a few interested..
The numbers do not lie. What is it, 85% have less than a Bachelors degree? It seems a country about to be full of nothing but workers only qualified for jobs in goods and services. No slave, I don't want mustard on my hamburger.

you don't need a bachelors in order to be hired into a white collar position in the US..unless you're 20:lol: