So What Is Everyone Smoking?


Active Member
Then I wont even post what i just made!!!

Fuckin just made iso hash / oil... got a one gram stable ball of pure iso oil... and 2.5 grams that was not so stable and pretty oily and runny... so I mixed it together.... and I got me an eigthth!!!
So now I got a gooey pile of iso oil with a nice solid chunk in the middle... and oh my god its amazing!!!
My hands were just too bloody sticky to touch my iPhone and take a picture, I just didn't wanna do it... but I promise you guys it weighed 3.3 grams

My hands have never been so fucking sticky in my life.... it's been like 30 minutes of straight scrubbing with hot water and soap and my hands are still SUPER sticky.... this shits the stickiest stuff on the planet!!!


i know what you mean man that shit gets sticky.

keep posting me your pics and letting me know what strains your all smoking on


Well-Known Member
badass super silver haze.
and hash made from the same.
my only complaint: it's a tad strong, i find myself wondering where my tollerance has gone.


Well-Known Member
I almost hate you all..
I think my country must be one of the driest places on earth..

you cant score anything here.. only hash here in there and it costs something like 50$ for 5 grams...


Active Member
eeehh..right now im going thru some tight times with work and such (xmas coming) so that puts a damper on my stock pile, not the quality thank but im smokin on some "Mellonball" right now ..amazing inhale, sweet yet can really taste a mellony hint on the back-end as u exhale..deep high, feels like cotton behind my i also have a wee bit of grand daddy kush in my save-jar...THAT shit is legit. rediculously painful on the inhale and hold, keeps expandin them lungs even after the most delicious exhale of chronic youve ever tasted have left your lips.your done for the night if you smoke a big bowl of it. lol ive got 4 strains 4 or 5 weeks from harvest.


Well-Known Member
I almost hate you all..
I think my country must be one of the driest places on earth..

you cant score anything here.. only hash here in there and it costs something like 50$ for 5 grams...
$50 for 5 grams is a standard price... buy that shit!