what is sovranty?
sorry to interrupt your rant against this ominous one world government, but i feel it may be pertinent to examine just a few facts and perhaps you can explain to me how exactly they fit in your conspiracy puzzle.
you start this off by railing against the 'lame stream media' and how it demonizes tea partiers as well as personal liberties and freedoms. you then call for a purging of the 'progressive/marxist/socialist/comunists', something i assume is code word for democrats in your circle of fellow mouth breathing knuckle draggers bleating about one world governance.
would you please explain to me then how the one person who stood up for your liberties and freedoms as well as mine on the most crucial vote in the last decade is likely to lose his senate seat this november to a tea party speaker you have likely never heard of?
if all this is too much for you to compehend, which i would fully undertsand as it seems you are hugely preoccupied with fending off the nefarious kabal that is one world governance, then just look up russ feindgold's vote on the patriot act, and look at his opponent's bio and the tightness of the race.
once you have done this, please explain why we must purge russ feingold, who caucuses with those progressive socialist marxist communist democrats, in favor of a tea partier in republican clothing to avoid another fatalistic step towards one world governance.
my thanks in advance.