So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

Trump vows to intervene in Texas election case before Supreme Court

The Republican president, writing on Twitter, said: “We will be INTERVENING in the Texas (plus many other states) case. This is the big one. Our Country needs a victory!”

Trump provided no details on the nature of the intervention in the case that he was promising, including whether it would be his presidential campaign or the U.S. Justice Department that would take action.

Officials from the four states at issue have called the lawsuit a reckless attack on democracy while legal experts gave it little chance to succeed. It was filed directly with the Supreme Court rather than with a lower court, as is permitted for certain litigation between states.

And another one. Almost see a pattern emerging.

Trump campaign appeal, affirming Biden win
The Nevada Supreme Court on Tuesday night rejected President Trump's appeal to overturn the state's election results, affirming President-elect Joe Biden's win in the 2020 battleground.

The decision comes after a court ruled last week against the Trump campaign, stating that the president's team was unable to prove that there were fraudulent results due to malfunctions with voting devices in the state, Reuters noted.

“We also are not convinced that the district court erred in applying a burden of proof by clear and convincing evidence, as supported by the cases cited in the district court’s order,” Nevada’s Supreme Court said in its judgment.

Trump's lawsuit in Nevada originally asserted unproven allegations that more than 61,000 people voted twice or voted and were not Nevada residents. Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford (D) asked Trump's lawyer Jesse R. Binnal to provide evidence to back his claim that the state's election was "stolen," but he was unable to do so, The Washington Post reported.


Oh the symbolism, they should stick the gold letters they tore off his building on it for the implosion, or at least someone should put a banner on the place before it comes down. Let him sue over a TRUMP PLAZA banner placed on the building of the same name, it will make a popular meme. Trump himself is imploding right now.
It appears that the tRUmpenstein monster has turned on it's creator.
