So whats with the "Likes"


Well-Known Member
lol ..... we use these to troll RIU for hot girls that we want to creep it! Maybe I should start a new thread "likes" for boobie pics


Well-Known Member
Rep can only be seen by the person you rep. Likes can be seen by everyone. I didn't like the like system at first but I'm coming around to it.


bud bootlegger
Rep can only be seen by the person you rep. Likes can be seen by everyone. I didn't like the like system at first but I'm coming around to it.
i agree with louis.. and you can only rep someone once in awhile, but you could like someone or what they say on every post if you'd like, lol..

i didn't like it much at first, but i'm coming around to it as well..


Well-Known Member
'Likes' are a good idea because it helps to cut down on the amount of very short replies to posts.

So instead of a bunch of replies to a cool post like "ha ha thats cool, or thats nice, or yeah i agree", You can just click 'Like'

at least that has always been my take on it.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
'Likes' are a good idea because it helps to cut down on the amount of very short replies to posts.

So instead of a bunch of replies to a cool post like "ha ha thats cool, or thats nice, or yeah i agree", You can just click 'Like'

at least that has always been my take on it.
hahaha, that's cool. I agree