So whats would happen in the UK?


Active Member
Dudes / Dudettes and mentalmen! :smile:
I have a question for all in UK. So now that our lovely friend has been reclassified to a class B, what you reckon you would get if you were busted with 3-4 plants? Do they need a warrent in the UK to search your house? YOu reckon they are always thamal imagin houses in the UK with their choppers? surely its best to put the light on during the day? Any help form a legal view would be great as im very curious just incase the worst ever did happen :sad:


Well-Known Member
when didi it reclassified back to class B, from what i can gather its never gonna happen!!! the only differnence it would make is in sentancing guidelines,

eg classa 5 years-life
classb community oreder -5years
classc nothing at all-community order-2years


Well-Known Member
got a link to prove it has been reclassed, i know they were talking about it. dont think its come into action yet.

i grow in a shed in my back garden. i keep the lights on a night. main reason for this is, well for 1, if i do have any visitors in the day, i can just pack up my grow room an no1 will notice. at night no1 can notice either bcoz ive stopped light leakage.

police cannot search ur house without a warrant. they cannot use thermal without a warrant.

plus, i dunno where u live but ive never seen a chopper go over my house. i get more paranoid about all the sirens every night. must get about at least 6 sirens a night. only reason im not paranoid about them is bcoz they turn there sirens off when they get close to location, so no need to worry if u hear them getting close.


Active Member
well i keep hearing it on BBC but I havent seen anything official! So with out any previous you recon it would be a slap on the wrist dont do it agin type thing?

What about warrents? Im guessing there would need proabably cause to come into your house?


Well-Known Member
im all for legalisation, a completely taxable revenue, a chilled out nation ( look at the dutch ) and proper screening, im sure everyone can remember the grit weed!!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
im in the uk and i had a chopper hovering just above my flat the other day, luckyly my main light had gone off bout and hour b4 lol. My other lights in the kitchen and could be an oven. Maximum sentance has gone from 8 to 15 years for class C to B.. Im not worried may aswell get done for being a sheep as a lamb lol. I mean may as well grow 6 plants as 3 lol.


Well-Known Member
reason im not paranoid about them is bcoz they turn there sirens off when they get close to location, so no need to worry if u hear them getting close.
so you need to be paranoic when u dont hear anything, lol


Active Member
plus, i dunno where u live but ive never seen a chopper go over my house. i get more paranoid about all the sirens every night. must get about at least 6 sirens a night. only reason im not paranoid about them is bcoz they turn there sirens off when they get close to location, so no need to worry if u hear them getting close.[/quote]

I know what you mean dude! I had a chopper sit over my house for about 5 mins the other day, well crapped it! Only to find out it was because of accident down the road! lol!


Well-Known Member
not enough people in parliment will vote for the new clasification, not enough medical evidence in favour to support the reclassification, IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN, EVER

mr west

Well-Known Member
They can kiss my hairy arse I got mitigating cicumstances lol. I know we aint got anything like a mmc. If i was caught id play " i got ms its the only thing that gets me out of bed " card lol. Even my GP will back me up on this one hahaha