So whats would happen in the UK?


Well-Known Member
From the home office website:

Cannabis has been an illegal class C drug since January 2004.

In March 2005 the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) examined new evidence on the harmfulness of cannabis. It later produced a report on cannabis classification which outlined its findings.

In a statement to Parliament Charles Clarke, then Home Secretary, said of the recommendations in the Advisory Council’s report: 'I have decided to accept the recommendation, which is supported by the police and by most drugs and mental health charities, to keep the current classification of cannabis [as class C].'

In July 2007, the Prime Minister announced that, as part of a consultation reviewing its drug strategy, the government would consider whether cannabis should be re-classified as a class B drug.

There is real public concern about the potential mental health effects of cannabis use and, in particular, the use and availability of stronger kinds of cannabis such as 'skunk'.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith asked the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs to assess the medical and social scientific basis of the classification of cannabis.

The council is expected to produce a report in 2008, and the government will carefully consider its findings.

Cannabis classification | Home Office
Long story short, the police and the drugs and mental health communities agree that cannabis is "mostly harmless" but the politicians continue to use it as a political football in order to build their credibility with the public and distract attention from their many failings in other areas.

Same old story, eh?


Active Member
I agree, id still be toking! lol! The thing is you reckon the conservative gov would be more lienient? I know labour sucks but what would the conservatives do? Fingers crossed as there greedy buggers just de-crim it and TAX it! :mrgreen:

Quite funny story today, my old man came round and noticed a few pots on shelves (Nothing showing) and he said to me "so you getting green fingers? im impressed? what you growing? Weed? lmao!