So, wheres the ril staff. can some one make sure they read this

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Active Member
I know im new here, but im probably gonna piss some people off with this.

where the fuck is the moderators and why is the forum search down. that is the most import resource of a forum. On the forums I've run in the past people would go crazy when our search was down, and people would get piss when you asked a question that could have easly resulting in searching the forum.

imho this is wack and need to be fixed asap.


posted here earlier:


Well-Known Member
we are ever present.

i don't have access to that type of power. the power to fix things. sorry, i really am of no help. =/


Well-Known Member
The search doesn't work for me, if anything it only works to a certain extent. I think it can only find results that are far back enough. Because if you take someone like fdd, who has been here longer, and you click "find all posts by fdd" it'll show results, but only as far back as 10/27.

If you do the same thing with someone who is newer, like one of the strangers in this thread, even though their post counts show they have posts, and they obviously posted here, when you hit "find all posts by" it'll say no results.

It's funny, I was just wondering if there was some announcement about it somewhere, because yes, it has been down for a while now. I think this thread probably should have been put in support though.


Well-Known Member
well bro, I understand that you're new to the site and obviously thirst for information, but you need to toke a lil and CHILLLLLL


Active Member
That was killin me too couldnt find threads I was following still cant but havent been able to get off all day either a wealth of knowledge all over the place here just look around and CHILL like BW was saying


Well-Known Member
You may well be able to. But, if it was your forum, would you give a complete stranger access to fix it? Or would you be comfortable PM'ing an admin with the details of how to fix it? No doubt they'll contact you if they need to I guess.


Well-Known Member
That was killin me too couldnt find threads I was following still cant but havent been able to get off all day either a wealth of knowledge all over the place here just look around and CHILL like BW was saying
Threads you're following should appear in your My Rollitup under New Subscribed Threads...well, as long as you post in the thread at some point. Some people will even simply post "subscribed" and post it in the thread, just so they'll get notified when the thread updates.


Well-Known Member
use google and just type in "rollitup" as part of the search. type the thread title or a keyword word and just add rollitup to the end. it should find it. :)


Well-Known Member
Where the fuck is your mom and who the fuck left you unatended?

Jesus dude, learn some respect, manners and gratitute for all the things they provide you with at no cost...


Active Member
ummm. ANC. who the fuck are you to tell me to learn manners. i mean you have a cat on your fucking head.

and yes the google search works, but still


Well-Known Member
I suspect you have one between your legs, but be that as it may, I reserve the righ to call you out on being a rude bastard.
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