So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Active Member
So the guy who is supposed to be teaching me says my buds arent crystaly enough, he hasnt tried it yet, im thinking he just doesnt like anything but hydro, he grows 18 inch plants , whatever.

Anyway according to him i needed magnesium or something? Kinda bummed , not so much because the crystals , just the way he handled it , guy has no cooth.
I smoked it and it worked fine for my pain etc. Te buds where not huge but dripping with oil, the scissor hash was a plus lol.

Next run is in, i added a few things including 2 big bags of perlite since i only had one in and the soil was very heavy and dense.

Like i said kinda bummed but i think the guy is a tool and i sure didnt give him the best i had
I had to share this info I found about comfrey. Some may know but it kinda opened my eyes to its usefulness, especially during flowering stages. I posted about it in the organic feeding 101 thread, so go here to check it out. Really good info!


Well-Known Member
Comfrey, dandelion, stinging nettles, great stuff. Bioaccumulators. I planted a bunch of Comfrey (Bocking 14) late last summer. Poor soil, but we'll see what survived over the winter


Well-Known Member
I believe that Dolomite Lime is desired for it's additional Mg content...
...or at least I know that that is specifically why we avoid using it when
making mushroom substrates.

ie. I am guessing here, and rrog and confirm, but any lime will have a
similar effect to Dolomite Lime (raise pH, provide Ca) and you could add
the additional Mg via Epsom Salt, or some such.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
Hey there poopheads ;)

Had a guy offer/ask about kangaroo shit. Other that it's basic organic bennies is it something want? I hear Alpaca is brown gold to y'all

Stayin naughty


Well-Known Member
Love using comfrey, dandelion, and nettles in teas. I dont foliar spray, but my buddy uses it on his hydro and has amazing results.


Well-Known Member
There's always a dance between Ca and Mg as Javadog said. Once properly established, however, you won't be needing to add Mg specifically. I like Epsom Salts when starting a soil.

Nancy, old girl, Not too sure on bringing in roo-shit. I like Michigan shit, personally. We have plenty here.


Well-Known Member
looks like i will be able to get my worm bins going in the next couple of weeks! I haven't had any$ to put back into my setup for so long, i am lacking a couple of key things..but I'm over the moon about finding a job!!! and one that doesn't drug test at that


Active Member
I just looked at this stuff and its as good as any other i bought from him, thats guys a jerk.
almost 1 lb from 4 plants, and 1.5 from another 7.
I also think the genetics where screwy or this plant just grows differently, the nugs where small compared to kush but frickin dense.
The kush one where really big then shrunk down but they are frosty.
The guy says i wont get the regular from the coop, again i think the guys a douchelobster.

So the guy who is supposed to be teaching me says my buds arent crystaly enough, he hasnt tried it yet, im thinking he just doesnt like anything but hydro, he grows 18 inch plants , whatever.

Anyway according to him i needed magnesium or something? Kinda bummed , not so much because the crystals , just the way he handled it , guy has no cooth.
I smoked it and it worked fine for my pain etc. Te buds where not huge but dripping with oil, the scissor hash was a plus lol.

Next run is in, i added a few things including 2 big bags of perlite since i only had one in and the soil was very heavy and dense.

Like i said kinda bummed but i think the guy is a tool and i sure didnt give him the best i had


Well-Known Member
just takes time .. i think i had 5 or 6 grows under my belt before I felt like I had something I could feel real good about. went out to drop off samples. to which the response at the first place was " how much do you have with you and what do you want for it"... i leave and get a call back so quick i thought there must have been a problem. nope they just wanted to see if I could bring some more by. and the guy is one of the biggest dcks in town lol.


Active Member
I think this guy feels threatened or something, he was the one who disappeared when he was supposed to teach me after i installed his A/C.
Then he ran down soil and organics etc etc. I just think the guy is lame. Lots of other things hes done and said, unemployed , going to school for free, food stamps hes helped some but really, no


Well-Known Member
I'm tellin ya. I've seen 'em I think.

Seriously, though. I'd rather use veggie compost. Simple and you know what's in it.


Well-Known Member
I'm tellin ya. I've seen 'em I think.

Seriously, though. I'd rather use veggie compost. Simple and you know what's in it.
Mostly I see rainbow unicorns that's when I know I've uptaken just enough!!

%100 agreement on the veggie compost. Cow shit around here could have more Chem than miracle grow.