So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

Sorry guys im stuck on this LactoB stuff. Is it best added to the soil prior to the "cooking" process or can it be used in veg? flower?
I need to study these sprout teas better.... what stages are these enzyme soaks beneficial?

I got the impression that this might be when breaking down old soil.

Well, a compost tea would be fine at such a time.....would the tea bugs
eat the enzymes?


ok so i ordered 1000 worms from uncle jims and I have a tote with plenty of holes drilled sitting in a slightly bigger tote. plenty of holes in lid and was going to drape a cloth over it..maybe?cardboard shreds and a couple handfulls of dirt for bedding. and then just add worms and kitchen waste?
ok so i ordered 1000 worms from uncle jims and I have a tote with plenty of holes drilled sitting in a slightly bigger tote. plenty of holes in lid and was going to drape a cloth over it..maybe?cardboard shreds and a couple handfulls of dirt for bedding. and then just add worms and kitchen waste?

Wet the bedding down and add the food asap. Let the microbes go to work on it for a few days until you get your worms. They can't eat the scraps until the microbes have done their thing. I chop up (or blend) the kitchen scraps, or you can toss them in the freezer over night and thaw them out before use. Ideally you want to create more surface area by chopping/blending. Just speeds along the process a bit.
St0w is awesome. Worms love fresh compost for the same reasons St0w outlined

Who's st0w? How are you Rrog? What is your fee for a weekend of lectures in Colorado at "st0w and Gandalf's Organic Sourcing Outfitters". Mind you free medicine and hookers come with the package. :joint:
nice! what dont you throw into the worm bin?

No meat or dairy. No onions or garlic or anything else spicy. Avoid oily foods, like salad with dressing all over it. You can toss *some* citrus fruit in there, but go easy on that. Aside from that, pretty much everything else is fine.

Who's st0w? How are you Rrog? What is your fee for a weekend of lectures in Colorado at "st0w and Gandalf's Organic Sourcing Outfitters". Mind you free medicine and hookers come with the package. :joint:

LOL! You rock
Got my bokashi composter last week, worm farm 360 this week. Just noticed they suggested starting with 1000 worms and I ordered 2000. Think I should give extra food to start? Also been sprouting for a while and would like to start making our own alfalfa tea, any recipes?
I was wondering if anyone knew of any places to get glacial rock dust or basalt in or near Grand Rapids? All I can get my hands on are azomite and greensand. Should I just grab these instead?
You can get glacial rock dust at Horizen Hydroponics in GR if they don't have it in stock they can order it. IDK a place in Michigan to get basalt.
Rrog you have to see this little nug. One-hit quitter mate. LOS all the way from seed

Organics are very important to me and thought I'd see what other MI growers are doing for soils. If you're growing chem hydro, that's great, but just looking for soil thoughts.

I know Buckaroo is a soil guy, and so is Abe.

For example, I'm growing in a modified SuperSoil right now, and I amend with natural products and natural predators to take care of insects and disease. Plants (just like people) then wind up with much higher and faster immune response. Consequently I haven't had a pest in 1.5 years.

I like knowing that I'm vaping / combusting a product with zero harmful materials.
My favorite natural amendment for pests has got to be crab shell meal. It's just crab shells, and you could also use lobster shells, shrimp, etc. Anyway, I buy a bag for cheap.

Crab shells contain Chitin. Adding crab shells to the soil encourages the growth of Chitin-eating bacteria. Who cares? Well, little larvae care because their jaws are made out of Chitin. So when these little bastards stop of in my soil, their jaws are immediately eaten. All while I'm sleeping or enjoying a sunny Friday afternoon with a doob.

I also like predatory nematodes. They reproduce and also eat nasties. You can take nematodes and BTI dunks and spray as a light foliar. They'll set up base camp in the phyllosphere (leaves) and protect them as well.

It's all put in my soil long before I plant so my army will have wiped out the bad guys by the time I'm ready.

I use miracle grow organic choice garden soil. I amend it with Rising Mist Organics, Worm Castings then a liquid feed of Neptune's Fish Fertilizer then Earth Juice Bloom. just 4 items, Lush green plants .. 3 Months ... then I get my fumo pipe filled.