Well-Known Member
Ive noticed that people come in here asking questions without researching it first, well i'm gonna try to make things easier for those who are new at growing or not very experenced at growing. Ill be here to try to answer those question asap. Ill be in & out this thread from 6 a.m. to 6-7 p.m. central time. I'm going to try to cover most of the basics, & some of the more advanced techniques needed for growing marijuana, from start (seed), to finish (curing). If anybody finds something wrong let me know so we can fix it, to make sure everybody gets the correct information. Theres alot of things needed to start growing, so this is the place to ask those questions, so go ahead and ask away. if i help you a + rep would be great, but not nessary, not sure how to +/- rep, ask. & if u think this thread has been helpful, please rate it.