So You Want To Open A Cannabis Club.


Well-Known Member
things to know about cannabis clubs

it starts with a passion for the plant. a love of marijuana and the belief in it's healing powers. there are some things that you need to do first. a building to operate out of is often the first step. if property is bought it risks being seized by the government, this is why most clubs seek out rentals. to find a landlord who is accepting in what you do will be the first hurdle. there is a high liability so most landlords are reluctant. once a space is obtained it must be brought up to code. bullet proof glass is used in all outer windows. walls have to be built to separate areas. some type of security systems will need to be set up. then there are city permits, insurance, and all the other start up costs. an inventory of 20,000 dollars worth of meds is needed to open the doors. the average cost to open the doors can run in the neighborhood of 50,000 dollars.

now that you have your building you will need inventory. inventory is most often supplied by outside vendors. vendors bring in samples of finished meds. these samples are looked at, overnight, by the staff. they decide on the quality of the product by physically testing. a discission is made on the amount the grower will be reimbursed. up to 7 lbs of meds can be dispensed in a week so numerous vendors are used. this also allows for a multitude of strains available at any one time. each strain is unique in it's medical benefits. the most popular indica strains have been the purples and the goo's. the most popular sativa is trainwreck. once meds are received they are store in jars and bins to be locked in the safe in the evenings. concentrates are frozen. growers often donate clones to the clubs. these are sold to patients for private growing.

up and running. now we need clients. patients are accepted after medical records are verified and approved. records are kept of individual patient purchases. these records are kept separate from medical records and do not identify individuals. only a patient #. personal records are kept separate and are protected by "dr/patient" privacy laws. the DEA is one to be feared. federal laws are in place. they have been enforced at other clubs in the past. there is a lot happening in california at the moment. from the DEA sending out letters to landlords threatening to seize property rented to know cannabis clubs to city declare DEA free zones. there is a battle here that goes on daily. as a medical club it is felt that staying open and catering to the needs of the ill is the best thing to do. people need there meds and it is felt that the government should stay out of ones body, so to speak. de-criminalization is wanted but in the medical side only. so far the laws have been to broad. things need to be discussed and decided upon. not fought against. we are here to stay.

what can you do? you can connect your local "grassroots" organization. start local. there are people very near to you who share the same feelings towards medical marijuana. join them. :mrgreen:

Marijuana Law Reform - NORML

ASA : Advancing Legal Medical Marijuana Therapeutics and Research





Well-Known Member
That was really interesting....thanks. Seems like such a sensible system. I just don't get why the DEA waste their time on these medical grows. I mean, it's legal right? So why give the clubs a hard time. I understand some clubs may try and take the piss and they should be reprimanded. But if there are laws/rules for these clubs to follow, including health and saftey etc, then why not just enforce these laws instead of trying to shut down grow ops and punishing land lords for letting their warehouse space?! :roll: Fucking ridiculous.

But at least medical grows are legal in some of your states.

Weed was downgraded from a class B to a class C drug a few years ago in the UK. But now all you hear is how this was a bad move and it needs to be upgraded again. Becasue weed is much stronger now than it used to be and it's very dangerous....blah, blah fucking blah! 'hydroponically grown skunk!' hahahahaha, it always make me laugh when they say that on the news. As if Hydroponically grown skunk makes weed 10 times stronger and more dangerous or something. It's really funny! But very sad at the same time.

What's dangerous is all the shit weed that is being sold in the UK at the moment. Covered in glass and god knows what else. The department of health even issued a warning to GPs and hospitals about it.....but you did not hear about this on the news! All you get on the news is how skunk is responsible for sending teenagers mad and causes schizophrenia.


In the UK....if you don't grow your own, then chances are you will be buying/smoking this grit weed. If someone gives me a joint of this shit, I pass it straight back. You can taste the shit you're smoking and it's fukming horrible. Makes me gag :spew: But people think this is what weed is and buy it and smoke it! It's fucked up man!!


Well-Known Member
Cali makes me sick. East coast US sucks. Although we have a question coming up in the next election to decriminalize 1 oz and less. Maybe there is hope. Still no medical here though.


Well-Known Member
Cali makes me sick. East coast US sucks. Although we have a question coming up in the next election to decriminalize 1 oz and less. Maybe there is hope. Still no medical here though.
on that note. i was told that if enough states legalize it then the federal government has to follow suit. i was told we need 13 more states and then the feds have no choice. they get out voted by the states. i have not looked up this information so i could be mistaken. this is hearsay and should be looked into further.


New Member
Excellent read Fdd. Very well done. I am very interested in this topic and have recently been in contact with some local compassion clubs.
Here in Canada once we get our med card, we can then apply to grow and can grow our own and up to 3 others for personal use. We can even grow for someone else without our own med card as long as it is approved by MMAR.

Very nice pics as well.:)

Good job


Too many brownies
there's also something about california being able to become it's own country.
Great Read Fdd...I enjoyed it.

Yes Yes! I heard of this...wouldn't that be amazing, I kinda doubt its gonna happen but that rumor has been spread all over.

Did you know that if you wanted to get into writing you can submit articles with pictures to high times over the internet and they will put them in the magazine and publish them if they meet their standards. They pay a few hundred dollars per article.

I think with your resources, passion, and knowledge you could do it.

I sent them ALLL of my pictures and im guessing they didnt like a single one.....


Anyways like I said awesome article Fdd


New Member
tennessee held hearings on MM, but the newspapers did not report on it until after the fact...I would have attended...


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Im confused on how easy you just said it was to open a club lol. If i were to set up a club and sold bud out of it the cops would arrest me in a matter of hrs


New Member
Yeah. This is where I think the medicinal aspect of marijuana comes into play to legalize it because if enough states chime in then it shows that enough people want it legal. Some people think that this will just give big companies an excuse to use the thc to make a drug instead of people growing and smoking their own BUT can you imagine what the reaction would be if people have the right to toke and it was then taken away?:o:shock::cuss:

I know I would kick up hell and I'm sure most wouldn't just sit and let it happen. Most people are extremely passionate about their weed so I can't see that going over well.:confused:

on that note. i was told that if enough states legalize it then the federal government has to follow suit. i was told we need 13 more states and then the feds have no choice. they get out voted by the states. i have not looked up this information so i could be mistaken. this is hearsay and should be looked into further.


Well-Known Member
Fdd, I enjoyed your article but I would of liked more information on the legalities of being a vendor. Is there an amount you are legally allowed to grow to provide to the clubs?


Well-Known Member
do you know where i might be able to find a county-by-county medical marijuana law guide? NORML breaks it down state-by-state, but i cant find California county specific marijuana laws.