soaking seeds in water to help germinate right or wrong ??

I'm not sure wtf I'm doing wrong, but I like plants from seed...not too much into clones...I prefer seeds is what I'm trying to say. Anyway, ever since seeds became more expensive than gold because people know how to grow pot nowadays and there isn't a ton of seeds in an ounce of bud anymore like in the old days...we threw seeds away for crying out, $10 a pop...for regular seeds, $15 each for feminized seeds, all with different names...I've never seen so many fukin' names before...PinkBerry Kush crossed with Tuna Kush not to be mistaken for Rock Kush, which is similar to Roll Kush but not quite the same as Rock & Roll Kush but not almost...??? What? None of the dope nowadays is near as good as what it appears it should be. I recall seedless bud in the 1980's that was very citrusy almost tangerine taste to it, and it was super just don't find bud like that these days anywhere...even the "Top Shelf" $75 per 1/8 ounce all the way up is beautiful looking bud, smells like a dream...but when you take a's just not's OK, nice and tasty, but certainly not what you could say, "WoW, that's good dope." Maybe I'm just old and grumpy and forgot what getting high felt like....NAW, nice try though. lol
I don’t buy much recreational in MA but when i do its Tangie, very nice citrus smell and taste but less than 20% thc, much lower high than what i grow.
I'm not sure wtf I'm doing wrong, but I like plants from seed...not too much into clones...I prefer seeds is what I'm trying to say. Anyway, ever since seeds became more expensive than gold because people know how to grow pot nowadays and there isn't a ton of seeds in an ounce of bud anymore like in the old days...we threw seeds away for crying out, $10 a pop...for regular seeds, $15 each for feminized seeds, all with different names...I've never seen so many fukin' names before...PinkBerry Kush crossed with Tuna Kush not to be mistaken for Rock Kush, which is similar to Roll Kush but not quite the same as Rock & Roll Kush but not almost...??? What? None of the dope nowadays is near as good as what it appears it should be. I recall seedless bud in the 1980's that was very citrusy almost tangerine taste to it, and it was super just don't find bud like that these days anywhere...even the "Top Shelf" $75 per 1/8 ounce all the way up is beautiful looking bud, smells like a dream...but when you take a's just not's OK, nice and tasty, but certainly not what you could say, "WoW, that's good dope." Maybe I'm just old and grumpy and forgot what getting high felt like....NAW, nice try though. lol
you must be smoking mids lol terps were probably in the 10-15% back in the day when you smoked but the thc contents never went over 10 percent. flashback to now this stuff averages 17-23%thc and like 2% terps... breeding has changed cannabis for the better open sourced breeding only give the plant genetic diversity it probably wouldn't have had. With that being said there has been an decrease in quality in flower from the tech we have it shouldn't see a decline like it has but the flower now is better than it was then
Opinions pls ??
What works is putting them in water for about 18 hours and once you see the tap root come out of the seed place the seed with the root facing down in a pod. They are little pods of soil that are pre made with a small hole for the seed,its like a sponge,you soak the sponge in water then place the seed tap root facing down right in the hole and it stays moist enough for it to grow. Until I did things this way I did not have the success I now have which is almost 100% succesful. This is the brand i use : General Hydroponics Rapid Rooter Plant Starters, 50 Plugs : Plant Germination Kits : Garden & Outdoor