Soap bar hash smells , tastes delicious

Hi there
I picked up a g of hashish from a freind of mine who is a dealer too.
He made me a joint from the hash in the bag he had and we toked from the same joint.
The thing is this hash has the markings of soap hash , comes in bars like pressed
kief but you cant see plant material , its dark brown with a rugged texture but
its hard to mold , if you try to mold it it breaks up.
When you light it it doenst blaze automaticly but it becoimes softer and you can mold
it , but it isnt sitkcy like good morrocan hash.
Usually hash this hard for a low price( about (8 dollars for a g ) is heavily adulterated
But this one tastes and smells amazing , it smeels veery strong and has a very flowery
spicy taste , and unlike most soap hash leaves a light grey ash and the smoke is very white.
It looks like soap hash but is very sweet tasting and i can get silly stoned with less than 1/10 of a g
on a bong.
Im splitt it loaks like soap bhas but it smeels amazing and i would guess soap hash smells balnd and tastes
horrible , i will post some pictures of it but with the cameras flash you cant see its colour well)


Ursus marijanus
It reminds me of the Lebanese blonde that I got to try half a lifetime ago. That stuff smelled and tasted very good indeed. cn


Active Member
if its the same as what i had before i hate that stuff it doesn't get me anywhere near as high as bud does

  • if its the same as what i had before i hate that stuff it doesn't get me anywhere near as high as bud does​

I get super baked from it but my tolerance is veery low and i only toke twice a week
Maybe anything gets you bakled in the beggining


Ursus marijanus
I cannot tell you if it looks like good hash. All I can say for sure is that if those giant black chunks in the back of a pic belong to a computer keyboard ... it looks like not much hash. cn

  • I cannot tell you if it looks like good hash. All I can say for sure is that if those giant black chunks in the back of a pic belong to a computer keyboard ... it looks like not much hash. cn​

its just a sample , i have abouty 3 grams of it stashed in my ps2 expansion bay


Well-Known Member
A classic place to stash it...

Personally I'm not a hash expert. I bought large quantities in Amsterdam and off of a friend who is also dealer, like yourself I am extremely wry of a substance i am going to be smoking and I can't rally see what's in it. I don't even like people rolling for me. Your hash does sound similar in description to what i've picked up in the UK, though I still think the hash it's the best idea to smoke is of your own making. I understand if that may be difficult in your location for some reason, though. I know some regions, the only wed they ever see is imported hash.

Sr Verde, Matt-Matt and others are far more knowledgeable in this area... try the Concentrates Corner.