socaliboy's metaphysical ramblings.


Well-Known Member
Today I thought of the human existance like that game where you take pieces a way from the building stacked with wooden bricks, with the object of the game being to take as many without damaging the foundation and demolishing the building.

I see the tower as a scale with each blocks being a living organism. At the top the building is the human race, the so could "intellegent race", and at the bottom is extinction. The most important bricks are the foundation that keep the building upright. These represent, the trees, lakes, oceans, forrests and nature. The higher you go, the more intellegent the being, rat, cat, dog, lion, monkey etc, then human. I see the human race a both with world biggest preditor but also the worlds most vulneralble prey. The more bricks we pull from the bottom, the fuels of our civilization, the quicker we surcome to our own predetor. Earth. In nature...what is a predator? It is a sentient being that kills for survival. To me the earth is a sentient being, and in this case, will eventually need to kill for it's own survival..


Well-Known Member
How do you see the Earth as being sentient? What is the seat of its individuality? cn
I see earth as a living, breathing being that has a conciousness. One might say they have felt connected to nature when high...A mother provides life to a new born, nature provides life to everything sentient (that we know of).

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
reminds me of final fantasy 7. gaia. the lifestream. ive always liked this idea, i think they made a really really bad movie about this very same idea. like where the wind or something is goin around killing people, and there was this super fat girl running in it...i never understood why they put that super fat girl in the movie to begin with.... no one wants to see that lol. man i wish i could remember the name of that movie! anyways, love the idea...wouldnt it be cool if the earth faught back. there was another movie where some force on the planet made every male and female unfertile as to be unable to have babies, that was actually an ok movie, but i cant remember what one that was either.

good idea Socal, either way, somethings gotta give.