Socialist Democrats, Democratic Socialists, "Progressive left" are a wing the Dem Party


Well-Known Member
This thesis came to me while I was bickering with @shua1991 . I knew I was onto something when both he and tty denied it vigorously, even called a liar.

We keep hearing from the looney fringe like the people mentioned above about how Democrats are the reason Republicans fucked up this country. We can argue about that if we want. However, it must be realized by thinking people that all of the so-called progressive left leadership -- those in Congress -- ran as Democrats or Caucus with Democrats. The left might not like moderate Democrats but they come to the Democratic Party for good reason. Democrats will work with them and Republicans will not.

One can always find a report on the web that backs up what one believes. So, yeah, I googled and this might be just my own confirmation bias showing. Nonetheless, a search for information on the "new left" or whatever you want to call it, Progressive left, radical left, etc. shows that a demographic shift in the US makes that left wing very important to moderate or liberal Democrats and disaster to Republican right wingers. Also portends well for a new and better US. If one wants expansion of government provided social services, that is.

The Coming Generation War
The Democrats are rapidly becoming the party of the young—and the consequences could be profound.

Age group Born after age in 2019
Gen Z................Born after 1996........22 and younger
Millennials........1981 - 1996...............23 to 38
Gen X...............1965 - 1980...............39 to 54
Boomer.............1946 - 1964...............55 to 73
Silents...............1946 - 1964...............74 to 91

demographic shift in democratic party.png

Philosophically, many Gen Zers and Millennials believe that government’s proper role should be as a force for social good. Among voting-age members of Gen Z, seven in 10 believe that the government “should do more to solve problems” and that it “has a responsibility to guarantee health care to all.”

Young voters are also far more willing than their elders to point to other countries as proof that the U.S. government isn’t measuring up. Gen Z voters are twice as likely to say that “there are other countries better than the U.S.” than that “America is the best country in the world.” As Ocasio-Cortez puts it: “My policies most closely resemble what we see in the U.K., in Norway, in Finland, in Sweden.”

Ocasio-Cortez is neither an aberration nor a radical. She is close to the political center of America’s younger generations.

The tide has already turned in terms of the majority now registered as Democrats. Along with the incoming tide are ever growing numbers of voters who came of age in the great recession and under Donald Trump. These people tend to be much farther left than even the relatively few liberal boomers, Gen x and silents. 2020 is still a battleground election year with the older more conservative guard on both sides holding reins. 2024 is when the power shift toward the younger "Progressive left" will take hold. This is not a problem, this is an opportunity for the Democratic Party to finally and for all practical purposes end right wing Republican influence on government policy.

Along with the end of odious right wing policies, the younger crowd will bring changes for the good in social policies -- healthcare, immigration, economic policies, the environment and so forth. The only risk to Democrats is that Republicans will lure Democratic Boomers into their fold just like Trump has done with the Silents. So, a balance must be struck between Boomers and the younger crowd, at least for a while.
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I'm a Boomer that leans left of center in the Dem Party, and I welcome the enthusiasm of the "New Generation" of Democratic voters.
Enough is enough as far as kowtowing anymore to the Pubs across the aisle, they've been playing games long enough stymieing any and all Progressive action in the Congress.
It's time to rattle some cages now and take advantage of the situation that Trump has left the GOP to deal with.
Now is the time to strike while the iron is hot, while most of the American people really understand what a corrupt political party the Republicans have become, supporting Trumps agenda no matter the morality or consequences, whereas once they denounced him as a charlatan, now they line up to suck his dick.
Make the GOP rue the day they hitched their wagon to Trumps agenda.
Bury those motherfuckers in 2020
What you see of the GOP today is just a rehearsal of what they have in mind for this country. Their push to control as many state governments as possible has darker purposes, they want enough control to push a constitutional convention where they can make serious changes to the constitution and to take power and make it impossible for democrats or anyone else have a say. One little gem would be that people only elect officials in the state they live and those elected people decide on who represents them in the federal government. Given the chance they will make the tRUmp era look like a picnic compared to what they have in mind.
I'm a Boomer that leans left of center in the Dem Party, and I welcome the enthusiasm of the "New Generation" of Democratic voters.
Enough is enough as far as kowtowing anymore to the Pubs across the aisle, they've been playing games long enough stymieing any and all Progressive action in the Congress.
It's time to rattle some cages now and take advantage of the situation that Trump has left the GOP to deal with.
Now is the time to strike while the iron is hot, while most of the American people really understand what a corrupt political party the Republicans have become, supporting Trumps agenda no matter the morality or consequences, whereas once they denounced him as a charlatan, now they line up to suck his dick.
Make the GOP rue the day they hitched their wagon to Trumps agenda.
Bury those motherfuckers in 2020
I try resist engaging in conspiracy theories BUT

The obvious moves by Republicans away from rule by the majority, their glee at how well gerrymandering and voter exclusion works to keep them in office and Trump's menacing statements about how "his very rough people" will lash out if he's not re-elected all point to Repbulican sentiment to hold onto power regardless of election results.

I agree with others that Trump might try to stage a coup if (when) he loses in 2020. The number one aim of people who gain power is to hold onto it. Republicans don't honor the rule of law so they aren't constrained by the Constitution like Democrats are.

Still, the tide has turned. No matter what they do, they are going to die out and be replaced by a left-leaning population that will be the majority in ten years. The Republican coalition of Silent generation and right wing boomers can't defeat time. The early 2020's are going to be epic. Not necessarily fun, but historic.