Sock puppets on the rise


Well-Known Member
trousers you are a sock, that is evident now.
Must be eh?

I don't know. He's been around for awhile.

Total douche though. I'm surprised he flew under my radar this long.

I like the d-bags the best...for some reason their skin comes off in a nicer manner than others. Clean. I like that.



Well-Known Member
You're a cute little guy

<e-hair tustle
then wipes hand on pants>

I only have one username here.
Who do you think I am?


Well-Known Member
I think the op was talking about g men hiding behind socks online , nothing new there , its been happening for yrs .

If i remember rightly members at overgrow were worried about cops using socks to gather data , who cares i say , let them slink around in the shadows .


Well-Known Member
Like the dumb leading the stupid.
So what's your brethren then?

The Douchebags?

The Loners?

The internet-masterbators?

The virgins?

The men with no testicles?

The impotent?

Something's gotta be the matter bro. You're such a miserable little twat. For NO reason. All this nonsense started because you were butt hurt another member and I had a 2 post conversation "where we shouldn't have been".

You sound like fucking Ike Turner with that nonsense.

Get a fucking grip you total tool. You can't control the internet buddy.


Well-Known Member
The size of one's signature is inversely proportionate to their intellect.
gods signature is a rainbow
" i leave my rainbow on the earth as a convert to the people"

that scares me .

does my signature scare you and is this the reason you brought it up?


Well-Known Member
sweet melt yessica
you are really mad
Sup buddy?

Just got back home.

Rape? Naw, that was just me playing.

CAn't rape the willing anyways....AmIright???

I don't know - start talking to me like you were in the PM section again. That was HOT.

Character assassination and all that jazz. I need to get back in the moooood.

Show me your soul @Trousers .


Bet it's big and doughy - like you....


Well-Known Member
Then why do you keep stalking me? Is it because you are cray or because you really hate yourself?
I asked you to keep this in private messages.


Well-Known Member
Then why do you keep stalking me? Is it because you are cray or because you really hate yourself?
I asked you to keep this in private messages.
And I don't fight in private.

What's the point?

None of this shit is real, you know that right?

I don't know you - and you don't know me.

But - some people like to watch people fight on the internet, so why not let them WATCH.

You're selfish - wanting to keep all this FOREPLAY to ourselves. I want to shAre it.

So...what are you wearing?

Besides size double XXL sweatpants?