Are you talking about the GH Micro Nutrients? If you are, their website says the following:i am looking at buying my nutrients atm and need to know whether to buy hard or soft water nutrients and what is the difference...????
answers please would be awesome,
ye dude, i have a ph tester,, n im sure some advise on ph levels would go a long way aswel.wait 3 weeks. From personal experience you can nute at 2 weeks, but the plants still get a little burnt, so it is still a little young at 2 IMO. I've read now twice your ? about when to start nutes, and I've responded twice..which is cool, my feather's ain't ruffled you need to double check info given to you out here, but I haven't seen mention of PH? That's more important to address than nutes for you right now I think.. You have a ph testor?