"Softened Water" and Marijuana cultivation.


Well-Known Member
title says it.

Softened water being used for marijuana cultivation

hydro / dirt

Please help educate me and hopefully others to find this thread for years to come.


Well-Known Member
Rather than do your homework for you, I'd suggest you do some basic searching and it will benefit you more in the long run.....

But for now, and in simple terms, the salt used to "soften" water is very bad for marijuana plants. Just like a build-up of fertilizer (which is a salt too) is bad, additional salt makes things even worse. Do Not Use Softened Water w/o an R.O. devise......PERIOD.


Well-Known Member
In response to"
Rather than do your homework for you, I'd suggest you do some basic searching and it will benefit you more in the long run....."

I would rather start a conversation with people whom I respect and enjoy talking/ chatting with. Asshole trolls need not post. I personally do not have softened water, but do feel many could benefit from info about it, and with this thread title would have ease finding it browsing, or via searches as currently it is not information that can be easily found here with light digging our searchable terms. . . in great part due to assholes like you and people jacking threads. Thread jacking IMO is far more acceptable than choosing to be a negative force in an already difficult world.

Also in response to: "
. . . But for now, and in simple terms, the salt used to "soften" water is very bad for marijuana plants. Just like a build-up of fertilizer (which is a salt too) is bad, additional salt makes things even worse. Do Not Use Softened Water w/o an R.O. devise......PERIOD."

I thank you kindly for contributing useful information :0)


Well-Known Member
Actually, all the info on the subject IS easily found with just a few key words. My response to you was after many years experience: people learn and retain more info when they do the "digging" themselves and read thru reports and others threads. There was nothing negative in my post, but your name calling shows all you are the "dick", not me.

My suggestion to you is to get a life, and start threads that would benefit yourself, and not worry so much about others.......