SOG growers wanted !!!


New Member
Wow. A touchy-feely, Bugs. Quick, check his place for UFO's! He's either been anally probed or has grown a vagina. :lol:
i quit doin anal years ago homo:shock: i got yer touchy feely :finger:

I think that Bugs, like many of us... misses the hell out of Al ...
i am pretty gay for him
I totally understand why,
well thanks, it was hard for me to say
but I wish he hadn't left...
he's my man bitch...back up or i'll scratch your eyes out.
At least the threads are there... Bugs should totally condense them into a FUCT SOG BIBLE...

What do you think?
you damn dirty hippie, i dont wanna
what is even going on
we were just going over all the reasons that make me the weed baron and why you all should send me blood samples or money


Well-Known Member
Some of the fan leaves are starting to get worse in color..they were already light in color change from the mag def.,so i was thinking that being they were already dying that they will continue to this true?..or am i still having some defencies?

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Some of the fan leaves are starting to get worse in color..they were already light in color change from the mag def.,so i was thinking that being they were already dying that they will continue to this true?..or am i still having some defencies?
I haven't been following along and these guys post too much crap to warrant looking through it. If you wouldnt mind posting details again...What is your basic setup, what color are the leaves turning to, in veg/flower? any pictures?


Well-Known Member
lol id say . can anyone help with a question? i posted in hydro forum its titled flip flop. im glad i stumbled across this site . lol i use to post on marijuana didt get answers or see posts for days so idecided to look for another site . thanks again


Well-Known Member
well arent we just grumpy today:hug:
Glad I am not the only one... it was starting to get lonely here in grouchland...:shock:

lol id say . can anyone help with a question? i posted in hydro forum its titled flip flop. im glad i stumbled across this site . lol i use to post on marijuana didt get answers or see posts for days so idecided to look for another site . thanks again
Dude... is your question, if we can help with a question???

Sure.. we can help...

But... I have a feeling you want to know more...:-P

What is your question?

Maybe you will get more answers if you actually let people know what it is that you want to know...

Best of Luck to us all... :clap:


Well-Known Member
Yo question fellas,

I'm about 3 weeks into flowering. My clones are looking great except that they are very tall and the nodes are spread out about 4-6inchs between each. Whats the average you guys usually have between each node in the flowering stage? Also, i'm growing Power Plant, Power Skunk, and Durbon Poison, 100% Sativas...


Well-Known Member
CustomHydro, where you at? How you looking in the flower chamber? I remember you and I started flowering about the same time. Check out the space between each node...what do you guys think?

Also guys, check out the fourth pic, thats a mother plant i through in the flowering room since i had the space. Why are the tips of the leaves curling up like that?



Well-Known Member
I haven't been following along and these guys post too much crap to warrant looking through it. If you wouldnt mind posting details again...
What is your basic setup, what color are the leaves turning to, in veg/flower? any pictures?
Setup is basic 4x6 tray 1k hps for flowering and i was going by these ridiculous guidlines i found in the "faq" section of RIU (how crazy) they should really tell you,ya conditions need to be perfect..anyway some pics of the leaves..sorry pics are bad


Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Yo question fellas,

I'm about 3 weeks into flowering. My clones are looking great except that they are very tall and the nodes are spread out about 4-6inchs between each. Whats the average you guys usually have between each node in the flowering stage? Also, i'm growing Power Plant, Power Skunk, and Durbon Poison, 100% Sativas...

On my Jack Herers I am getting something around an inch as far as node density. Sometimes more on the stretchier ones. Since your stuff is 100% sativa then this is what I would expect to be seeing. I haven't grown a 100% sativa but it sure looks like one. Did those little clones stretch into those big fuckers in 3 weeks?

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Setup is basic 4x6 tray 1k hps for flowering and i was going by these ridiculous guidlines i found in the "faq" section of RIU (how crazy) they should really tell you,ya conditions need to be perfect..anyway some pics of the leaves..sorry pics are bad
I had some leaves like that at one point in time and it ended up being PH problems. I figure it was causing nutrient lockout. What ph do you keep your nutes at?


Well-Known Member
hey people i just wanted to say that i'm proud of all of us and what we've done with this thread. it kinda turned into a family type setting where we can laugh and fight and ultimately learn. it is just wonderfull and thank you to all of you who help with newcomers. that is part of what killed al's will to go on. and that fucker has infinite patience. none of us are him but we will have grows as good or better from his efforts on this site. (his words , not mine)
Yep just one big happy family alright.



Well-Known Member
ph is kept at 5.8-6.1 AT ALL TIMES,but i was reading on another site and this is what ive found..maybe you guys can throw ya 2 cents on this one:
Hello everyone!

It has come to my attention that some advice I was giving out was incorrect.
In particular, my advice about Magnesium Deficiency and Epsom Salt. When I first started growing I was told (at another site that will remain nameless
) that Marijuana had very high needs for Magnesium and most hydro nutrients didn't have enough. So adding Epsom Salt was the trick to keeping Magnesium Deficiency away. So for every grow since then I’ve used Epsom salt, and I have advised others to do the same.

Well, The other day Ozgrowa informs me that, that is incorrect.
Well, I was shocked to say the least. He informed me that a low PH usually 'locks out' Magnesium and most hydroponic nutrients have plenty of it.... And some have too much.

So, being the computer geek that I am.. I immediately started researching this and found him to be quite correct.

Here is the truth about Magnesium Deficiency

First let's start off defining a few terms.

Magnesium (Mg)- is essential to photosynthesis in plants. It’s the "main molecule" in chlorophyll, the green coloring in green plants! Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use the sun’s energy to create carbohydrates. Without magnesium, plant leaves turn yellow (usually at the bottom) and will soon die.

PH- is measured on a scale of 1-14 with 7 being "neutral". Acids are lower than 7 and alkalis (bases) are above 7. To be technical, the term pH refers to the potential hydrogen-hydroxyl ion content of a solution. Solutions ionize into positive and negative ions. If the solution has more hydrogen (positive) ions than hydroxyl (negative) ions then it is an acid (1-6.9 on the pH scale). Conversely if the solution has more hydroxyl ions than hydrogen it is alkaline (or base), with a range of 7.1-14 on the pH scale.
Pure water has a balance of hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions and is therefore pH neutral (pH 7). When the water is less than pure it can have a pH either higher or lower than 7.

Why should you care about any of this?

When the pH is not at the proper level marijuana will lose it's ability to absorb some of the essential elements required for healthy growth. For all plants there is a particular pH level that will produce optimum results. Marijuana likes it's hydroponic solution to be 5.5 to 6.1. Although most plants can still survive in an environment with a pH of 5.0 to 7.5.

If the pH is too high, marijuana suffers from a lack of iron, zinc, manganese, copper and boron. If the pH is too low, it lacks phosphoric acid, calcium, and magnesium. At lower pH (more acidic) ranges, diseases can thrive. Normally, plants tend to take up more acidic elements, causing pH levels to increase or drift up the scale.

Now, from my understanding of this is, you should let your hydroponic solutions 'drift' up to 5.9 to 6.0 to allow the Magnesium to be available without the addition of Epsom salt (which results in EDTA lockouts because we are adding too much Magnesium.)

Please correct me if I’m wrong on this Oz.