SOG growers wanted !!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Bugs, did you say awhile back that you had mothers in soil? I started some plants in soil and was going to clone them this week. Also after cloning I am going to prune the bah-jesus out of them. See what I did was start some bagseed in soil just for practice and they turned out real good. Actually I was sort of planning on them not doing anything, but I underestimated my skills. I have some White Widow, AK-47, Northern Lights and Blueberry that I am going to be putting in eventually. (No not all at once!) For now though I am going to do a round or two with the best performer of this bagseed. I figure if I mess them up I won't be too disappointed, or at least not as disappointed as I would if i tanked the widow. Man that is some wonderful stuff.
Any way, I was just wondering about feeding and cloning. Should I feed before or after making my cuts? If before, then how long should I wait til I do take cuts? I don't know if it really matters. To tell the truth I was going to try both ways just to see, but what the hell, this site is for learning right?


Well-Known Member
I just quit...:clap: as of 30 seconds ago...

no more gypsy porn all over the place...

I thought people liked it...



Well-Known Member
I just quit...:clap: as of 30 seconds ago...

no more gypsy porn all over the place...

I thought people liked it...

That is too bad. I was looking forward to visiting your new thread that would contain all those great pictures of yours.


Well-Known Member
and this was spawned by the general consensus of the community...

RIU has spoken.. the gypsy must behave or be burned at the stake...:shock:


ok now that i have read n read i still cant come to a conclusion to what medium to use for my flood and drain. i hear RW holds to much water even when watered once when lights on and another, hour before lights off. now theres hydrotons, i hear they dont wick up enough water to where i want them, even if i use 1.5 gal. coco might be a mess so now i need a good medium. a pros and cons of each medium and i guess which all u think would be the best medium. yes, basically i need to be schooled. hydro will be the first time but going with 8 3x3 trays, hopefully, fi everything goes out right but if not im still going with f&d most simplest and very effective. just need some directions from og's that have been growing sog in f&d.