SOG Problems!


Using 40 clones in my sog only produced 5 ounces?! Whats goin wrong? Im using 1000watt HPS light in a space thats 4 feet wide and 2 feet long in a hydroponic nutrients are good and fairly expensive and ive been supercropping. The plants are perfect in every way except for yeild. should i reduce the number of plants in that space from 40 to 20? Please help


Well-Known Member

Hey Don, welcome to RUI!

How do you measure weight for yield? 5 ounces fresh cut from the plant or 5 ounces cured to 25% of cut weight? What is the volume?

What strain? Strains like Flo have a small yield, some strains are grown for other reasons than yield.

Stock questions:

You balance PH? Did you calibrate your PH pen?

Describe your setup in detail - reflector, wall reflection, type of water (tap, ro, filtered, minerals), hydro setup, pumps.

How tall were your clones?

What kind of air circulation? Fresh air being pumped in?

Pictures would help us a lot, of your set up, plants before harvest, pics of your harvest, any leaves with damage even if the plant was harvested, etc





Its 5 ounces after a week in the dryer and over a week of curing....the strain is pineapple express. the setup has a ph meter and tds meter that are always in the reservior...and they are both calibrated monthly...I use only RO/DI water and my filters are good....its a cabinet grow with mylar and intake and exhaust fans...its all top shelf equipment which is why im disappointed in the yeild i had no leaf damage ever in the clones were all about 3 to 4 inches tall. I cut them and they all rooted in about 6 days....i gave them another week to vegetate then switched the lights to 12/12.


Well-Known Member

How tall were the clones when they finished?

It sounds like you did much correctly, but 40 clones in 8 square feet is tight. That would be the equivalent of 5 clones per square foot, or about 5" pots. Your spacing could be tight and little light gets through the canopy - we really need to see a picture of your set up. How thick was your canopy?

What kind of fan for ventilation? How many CFM? Where does the air come into your cabinet and where does it leave? Do you have an air cooled reflector? Do your draw air from out of the room through the reflector or do you draw air into your grow room and up to the light?



Active Member
I'm not a SOG grower but your problem could be your supercropping. When you supercrop, the plant needs time to heal and get itself back on track. If you're supercropping while flowering, you're constantly disturbing the flowering process. In SOG, you're trying to get rid of the vegging stage by flowering more plants. By supercropping, you're trying to do both at the same time and your yield will greatly suffer. Next time, flip your lights and forget about training them.

Going into a touchy subject here, but I know a lot of SOG growers will trim out some fan leaves a couple of weeks into bloom because they pack so many plants into a small space.

I don't think you have too many plants for your given space just because you're doing a SOG grow. You want to fill that space in with a lot


Well-Known Member

"If you're supercropping while flowering, you're constantly disturbing the flowering process."

That is incredibly insightful, kudos Ozut! A possibility that had completely eluded me. It might not be the problem but it's something I had never considered. Brilliant.
