sog vs scrog which one yeilds better


Active Member
so im goin to do my 1st hydro grow and was lookin for advise on which style would yeild bigger. i can grow up to 99 plants under my state law and i have 2 1000 hps light i was thinkin of going with an 8x4 table to set up a flood and drain system. anyone try both ways? was one more work than the other? oh and im goin to use rockwool cubes. thx for any help


Well-Known Member
considering in a 8x8 room you could easily achieve 1+lb's per every two weeks (with some serious work) so per cycle (every 8 weeks depending on strain) you could be pulling 4+lbs easily i would have to say you would need a HUGE scrog setup for that. not to mention the vegging and the fact that if something goes wrong with your plants you are stuck working around that screen. so i would say potentially sog can yield you much more allot quicker although allot of people shy away from this method for the extremely high plant numbers you can get up to.