soil an dpot size in flower..


Active Member
hi guys... i am in 11 litre square pots..... i am cuurently in my first week of 12/12 the ladies are at 32" high.... do you think ill need bigger pots???

Light House

Active Member
First 1 to 2.5 weeks of flower u will stretch so if you are already 1 I would say hold off to prevent possible damage. If you'd like a simple flat soil like box around or another larger square can be placed outside your pot.

Then either carefully remove bottom or drill holes. Before placing inside larger pot. This is still possible damage! And would still suggest not.

If anything pull the plant apart to allow greater light penetration or get rid of some fanners.


Active Member
i understand thanks for your help but dont you think the size of the plants are too big to produce big buds in only 11 litre pots?