soil and heavy metals..

the flouride was just in the water test. Im just gonna get a commercial ro filter to make it clean for the Plants.

It’s my understanding the plant can accumulate flouride to toxic levels, yet I have never see a line for flouride on cannabis test results. I just find that odd that it is not tested for. Good luck with your project.
It’s my understanding the plant can accumulate flouride to toxic levels, yet I have never see a line for flouride on cannabis test results. I just find that odd that it is not tested for. Good luck with your project.
High levels of fluoride are toxic to plants and inhibit photosynthesis. Your plants would likely die before the fluoride could reach levels dangerous to humans, but I don't know that for sure.
One plant known to readily absorb fluoride from the soil is the tea tree, and tea isn't toxic to us.
Do you have a source for the fluoride accumulation in weed? I'm not talking like, or something, I mean an actual study. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but there are a lot of "alternative health" sites that pay to be at the top of google search results, so my research is a bit of a slog.
So lets talk Arsenic.

Never amend with any kind of bark mulch.
Careful with Dolomite lime
Easy with any Ocean product fish, lobster, crab, kelp
Down to Earth Fish-Bone-Meal test 8.0 PPM Arsenic - too high

I use these due to lower arsenic Dr. Earth (Home grow, Flower girl) Down to Earth (Rose and Flower)

Labs should be testing ONLY Inorganic arsenic.
Looking at a 1-2 year old consumer report for the water. I think i found the cause fawk.. 8.0 leagal EPA limit is 10.0 for water , i have never had trouble with water and always used carbon filters on my water source and has always been enough. then i done some more digg and arsenic can only be filtered out efficiently with R.O. damn it. i feel stupid for overlooking this simple thing i guess with ever else on my plate trying to get the commercial set up left out this detail , lucky it was only about 12-15k worth The product and not more
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samaples of flower were from three different pots and with how much higher the numbers are for arsenic and the rest are in reasonable amount.

I am proud to say i really screwed up any one else screw up this year aswell?
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I tested 152 ppB which is .15 ppm and I felt that was high.