soil drying fast..


i checked my plant today when my lights turned on and noticed the top of the soil was so dry it was crispy so i picked it up and it was dry rite through (i stick my pinky finger in the top then lift it up and see if the by the drain holes are dry) in about 5-8hrs it was again so dry it was crispy and it was again out of water... this is odd cause i usually water it 1 or 2 times max a week.

Sadly my thermometer was left over at my moms :sleep:. i dont think that it is too hot in there(my setup 118watts on 1 seedling about 23days old with 64watts cool white? there 6500k tubes covering it longwise, then i have 2 cfls not sure what spectrum but there just a lil lighter in color then the tube fluro hanging above. its also in the corner of my closet reflecting off white walls and has one side blocked off with a white board and the other side open for fresh air)

P.s i really suck at explaining.:bigjoint:


New Member
i checked my plant today when my lights turned on and noticed the top of the soil was so dry it was crispy so i picked it up and it was dry rite through (i stick my pinky finger in the top then lift it up and see if the by the drain holes are dry) in about 5-8hrs it was again so dry it was crispy and it was again out of water... this is odd cause i usually water it 1 or 2 times max a week.

Sadly my thermometer was left over at my moms :sleep:. i dont think that it is too hot in there(my setup 118watts on 1 seedling about 23days old with 64watts cool white? there 6500k tubes covering it longwise, then i have 2 cfls not sure what spectrum but there just a lil lighter in color then the tube fluro hanging above. its also in the corner of my closet reflecting off white walls and has one side blocked off with a white board and the other side open for fresh air)

P.s i really suck at explaining.:bigjoint:
what space is it in and how big are your pots?


Well-Known Member
i checked my plant today when my lights turned on and noticed the top of the soil was so dry it was crispy so i picked it up and it was dry rite through (i stick my pinky finger in the top then lift it up and see if the by the drain holes are dry) in about 5-8hrs it was again so dry it was crispy and it was again out of water... this is odd cause i usually water it 1 or 2 times max a week.

Sadly my thermometer was left over at my moms :sleep:. i dont think that it is too hot in there(my setup 118watts on 1 seedling about 23days old with 64watts cool white? there 6500k tubes covering it longwise, then i have 2 cfls not sure what spectrum but there just a lil lighter in color then the tube fluro hanging above. its also in the corner of my closet reflecting off white walls and has one side blocked off with a white board and the other side open for fresh air)

P.s i really suck at explaining.:bigjoint:
They could be rootbound. The bigger the root system gets the more water the roots take up. Try transplanting if you can. This is probably about the only solution that will work. Hope this helps. bongsmilie


its in a 6" pot, i dont think its root bound this seedling is more of a runt, its only about 3inches tall mabey, the area its in is about 1ft x 1ft and like i said its in a corner with one side covered other side open so it has 3 reflective white walls.


Well, I always wait until what I can feel with a finger deep into the soil is dry, before watering.

Don't be afraid to over water it once to test the limits of your pots.. just don't make a habit of it. lol

Sometimes I'll line the top of the soil with tin foil or white paper to distribute light to the lower growth
of the plant.. & it seems to keep the top layer of soil healthily moisturized.


Well-Known Member
i have a couple thoughts i'll chime in with...

first.. if the soil is so dry that its crispy, it will have a hard time absorbing moisture... basically that water will run right through it without being absorbed into it... most of the water will run down the inside edges of the pot and never make it through the bulk of the soil... so i would recommend getting a container larger than the current one, even a bath tub or sink, filling it with water, and submerging your pot in the water for about 5 to 10 minutes... this will fully saturate your soil... just submerge it until the bottom of the main stem is barely under water....

secondly... you may just need a large pot anyways.. or set up some sort of constant drip feed watering system if you dont want to change pots..

thats all


Well-Known Member
meant to say this and forgot.. when you water, if your soil is super dry, break up the top 1 inch or so of soil all around the top... this will help get water throughout the entire pot.. also adding a drop of non scented biodegradable dish soap in the water will help assist that further...


Ok so i took a fork and broke the first inch of soil, i also cut a peice of cardboard and put white paper over it to cover the soil of the pot. but ahhh i think i have a worse problem now!! the leaves on this plant were always curled up and i thought that was just a trait of this strain cause it grows huge sativa leaves that have a curl to it and it also makes a pinkish/red bud :D but anyways! as i put the cardboard over the pot i noticed if u look very closely u can see brown/yellow on the blades around the edges of each leaf! EDIT: the leaves are also turning pale green :(


Well-Known Member
Ok so i took a fork and broke the first inch of soil, i also cut a peice of cardboard and put white paper over it to cover the soil of the pot. but ahhh i think i have a worse problem now!! the leaves on this plant were always curled up and i thought that was just a trait of this strain cause it grows huge sativa leaves that have a curl to it and it also makes a pinkish/red bud :D but anyways! as i put the cardboard over the pot i noticed if u look very closely u can see brown/yellow on the blades around the edges of each leaf! EDIT: the leaves are also turning pale green :(
Are you feeding them yet? If not it may be time for nutes. Start with 1/4 strength and see how the plant tolerates it. Slowly work up to full strength. I usually feed every other watering. Hope this helps.;-)


Well-Known Member
i agree with doc.. it sounds like you have a the onset of a nitrogen deficiency.. it may just be time to start feeding your girls and put them in a larger container...


ok so my buddy told me to pick up some 20/20/20, but im kinda strapped for cash atm, so i was wondering how much longer does my plant have to live :(


ok so thats great news :D..
also i was reading about ph and stuff how vinegar lowers ph and baking soda raises it?
im a bit confused on the whole ph thing, lets say i test my soil and its say 6.. then i make my ph in my water 6.5, after watering will that make the whole pot 6.5 ph? or does ph in the water stack onto the soils ph.

hope someone will understand that :P