Soil drying out quickly

I just recently planted 4 Plants in the woods about 2 weeks ago..They seem to be doing very well but my soil has been drying out quickly..I gave the plants water yesterday and the soil is already pretty dry as you can see by the pic..Is there anything I can do about that? And also,does the plant look like everything is going ok?



Well-Known Member
Ya, they look fine to me too.
When you put them in the ground (if its real dry soil) One way to retain moisture are water retaining crystals.
They hold more nutrients then the others mentioned, from what I hear. I used them this year.
yeap, ive heard peat moss helps with the absorption of water..At my spot the plants receive sunlight all day which must just cause the soil to dry up quicker,,tons of sun equals hella good growth right now tho,,..If soil is dry tho, is it fine to water plants once every 2 days at least up til when nutrients are needed?


Well-Known Member
Yes as long as they aren't wilted it's fine. I usually let my plants tell me when to water. Now, that doesn't mean wait until its completely wilted and about to die, but you can watch leaves and know when it's time. Usually the top will get droopy first.