Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Actually, my buddy and I were reading about Reshi mushrooms and all the amazing things they contain, and my friend said
"we should try foliage feeding a Reshi tea!"

Interesting idea to say the least...

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Ecology nerds unite!

After many, many lessons on the Earth from my humble teacher the mushroom,

I was dumbstruck by the writings of Steiner on nature, agriculture and nature entities.

He must have had a similar teaching, but with the background to put it all together into a paradigm shifting, culture shattering format.

For anyone interested in how the cosmic/earth/plant/human symbiot is possible, look no further than Steiner himself.


Well-Known Member
Shrooms are next on my list...

A group of friends and I hiked Havasupai Falls on shrooms.. I considered it a life changing experience especially when we dove in the crystal clear blue water from the falls. I don't know if you guys are into hiking but we all sound like some nature loving folks and if you are close to AZ or ever travel to go hiking I highly suggest you look into Havasupai falls.. It's only a 10 mile hike but once you get to camp you can stay over night and hike to the other water falls, it's just a beautiful experience.



Well-Known Member
OH SHIT tell me more! I'm so sick of going to payson just to stay in a hotel
It's a fun hike dude. YOu have to pay money to the Havasupai Indian Tribe when you get closer to the camps its pretty cheap though. My buddy set up our hike nice. He basically had the mules haul all our tents, cooking supplies, etc all we had to take was our camel backs ( the water carrying back packs ) The hike starts and its a good 9 mile hike but around mile 7 the Indian tribe has a little village set up with a school , grocery store and lunch hall where you can rest and buy some Gatorade and what not. You can also take a helicopter or mules down too if you aren't so adventurous. You can also haul all your own shit down yourself but I recommend the mules if you are bringing a tent and cook ware. The best time to hike there is probably April - late May.. June its probably too hot and after June you have the monsoon season here in AZ. Havasupai was closed down for a few years because one of the monsoon seasons messed everything up. Its a really fun hike you just have to hide your booze. We were even offered some good times in a sweat lodge for some of our greenery but we passed on it. The hike up is a bitch because of the switchback to get to the top.. I literally had to stop every 20 min because my thighs were burning so bad from the steep incline.


Well-Known Member
wow...glad this thread has turned peaceful after the last few pages LOL

thank you for being patient Rrog...I have problems sometimes....certain people....

also, did c-ray just make his 1st post here.......tell me I am having a bad dream....lmao

oh no.


Well-Known Member
hey Cann- How's your day going? It's funny- I'd expect to meet with resistance if I were selling expensive stuff and telling people they needed it. It's just the opposite, however.

EDIT- Hey Moon- thanks for the links!


Well-Known Member
day is going well...bout to smoke a bit and then head into the garden...gotta take some clones etc.

i found the resistance pretty surprising as well...seems people are real stuck in their ways. check out the last few pages of the veganics thread for a laugh...i had to leave after a point cause it was getting too absurd. hard to keep a mellow attitude...

glad you are still hanging around keeping the peace those notes coming? I'm starting to get mine a bit more organized (all in 1 word document..LOL). one day.

beans from swami kushendez on the way...dropped him some $$ for the goodies -

NL#5 x Neville's Haze F3's

TO x BMR Bx1

Blue Orca x NL/haze

excited to say the least...especially after the pictures he's been posting...god damn haha


Active Member
Thought I would share some info I found for our microbe friends: CLAYS

Check out the Silica/Calcium content on these!

(these are some of the ones I picked up today Rrog)

Alright, ready?
how much would a person add to 10-12 cu. ft. of soil? how do they sell it/how much to order?
is one as good as the next, or would it be better to combine all for their individual properties?
seems like this would be perfect for those who make meds into lotions

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Alright, ready?
how much would a person add to 10-12 cu. ft. of soil? how do they sell it/how much to order?
is one as good as the next, or would it be better to combine all for their individual properties?
seems like this would be perfect for those who make meds into lotions
I think the key is moderation in the case of clays, and I would for sure mix them all up, because some have high Ca, or other micros and some not etc.

I just added some to my worm bin today, just a sprinkle, but I will keep adding it every time I feed.

They sell it by the pound, its cheap too, like 5-10 bucks.

For using in pots, I would mix it in small layers... like dust a little, and add more soil, dust a little more ect. ect.

It can also be sprayed to protect leaves from insects/diseases, forming a mineral barrier,

Im pretty excited about this!

Silica is also a very strong cosmic mediator.


Well-Known Member
anyone have studies or literature on the clay/rock dust in regards to benefits to the phyllosphere? just curious what is out there...i know some of y'all got links ;-)


Well-Known Member
yeah, for foliar applications. I have heard a few things about clays or rock dusts in regards to phyllosphere health..but never read anything scientific or conclusive. very curious...


Well-Known Member
This has been bugging me for the pass hours, can't firgure out what kind of insects these are. Any idea's?

Also I've been working a batch of recycled soil for the pass month, at a slowly but surely pace. Today while I was mixing the pile I noticed something no organic gardener wants to see in their soil, osmocote.

I realized some plants I got from the nursery must've had this "fertilizer" in them, and now I'm kicking myself for not remembering that when I was throwing various rootballs plants I got from the nursery into this batch. It's been breaking down for about 6 weeks now, I only noticed about several osmocote pellets every 1-3 cubic foot though. What should I do?
This soil is for my veggie beds by the way.