Soil for outdoor grow

Alter Ego

Active Member
Organics are the way to go! I believe in variety so I start off with 4 different kinds of bagged soils then ammend it myself with bunch of other crap. I let it bake in the sun for about a month and this will never burn your plants, promise! pH is always a solid 6.5-6.8 too. Here's my mix, this will give you the tastiest buds in the world and you will never need to fertilize, just feed with distilled or RO water and you can even throw in a little molasses every now and then. This lets the plants pick and choose what they want. It's a mu'fucking buffet!

-1 bag Roots Organic potting soil 0.75 cubic ft. (only size left and last bag)
-1 bag Roots Organic Bigworms Earthworm Casting 1 cubic ft.
-1 bag Fox Farms Ocean Forest 1.5 cubic ft.
-1 bag Fox Farms Light Warrior 1.5 cubic ft.
-1 bag of Lady Bug Organic Potting Soil 1.5 cubic ft.
-Sunleaves Mexican Bat Guano 10-2-1 (1/2 cup)
-Sunleaves Peruvian Seabird Guano 10-10-2 (1/2 cup)
-Sunleaves Jamacian Bat Guano 1-10-0.2 (1/2 cup)
-Sunleaves Indonesian Bat Guano 0.5-12-0.2 (1/2 cup)
-Botanicare ZHO Rhizosphere Root Inoculator (1 oz.)
-Xtreme Gardening Mykos Spores (3.5 oz.)
-2 cups of Alfalfa Meal
-2 cups of Kelp Meal
-2 cups of Green Sand
-2 cups of Garden Lime
-2 big ass bags of perlite


Active Member
That looks like a great soil mix, but I can't wait another month to do this... I will think about using that next year since watering with nutrients outdoor is sort of a pain in the ass, especially when your doing a guerrilla grow! can you use that mix all the way from seed?

Alter Ego

Active Member
That looks like a great soil mix, but I can't wait another month to do this... I will think about using that next year since watering with nutrients outdoor is sort of a pain in the ass, especially when your doing a guerrilla grow! can you use that mix all the way from seed?
I don't think it's a good idea for seedlings. What I usually do it start all my seeds in 50% FFLW and 50% Earthworm Castings, then I cut that mix with about 30-40% perlite. Then I let the plant grow from seed to about 2-3 weeks in 20 oz cups. After that, I transplant into the organic mix and call it a day! Have you ever had fruity bud that actually taste like fruits? I am talking mangos, papayas, melons, etc...its downright amazing when it comes to taste and potency!

Alter Ego

Active Member
If you guys are looking for a good soil mix that can be used right away, I would use this:

-1 bag of Roots Organic Potting Soil
-1 bag of *quality* Earthworm Castings (<---This shit is very important, provides 50+ trace elements)
-1 bag of Humus/compost (humus solves all pH problems, compost provides microbial life to the soil)
-2 cups Alfalfa meal (plants will grow like they are on steroids, provides vitamin B, C, D, E, and K plus other minerals)
-2 cups Kelp mean (most soils are low in K and this provides a lot plus many other trace elements)
-2 cups Greensand (minerals and trace elements along with a bunch of K, this is all the dead organic matter from the bottom of the ocean)

This is also very good for plants, better than any bagged soil a man can buy but you will still need to provide fertilization as the plants grow, maybe a little bit of Nitrogen during veg and definately some Potassium during flower. Guanos are what give the buds the amazing taste and unfortunately they take a good while to break down and compost a bit...the guanos in my mix are the main reason why I let my stuff bake for so long. Guanos can burn plants if you don't let it settle and break down.

This chart might help a lot of you guys:



Active Member
thanks alter ego, i gotta see if the hydro store has everything I need, otherwise I'm just mixing 50/50 happy frog and ffof. how long have you been growing?

Alter Ego

Active Member
thanks alter ego, i gotta see if the hydro store has everything I need, otherwise I'm just mixing 50/50 happy frog and ffof. how long have you been growing?
Long enough to know what works and what doesn't ;-). Got a few indoors under my belt but I am growing outside for the first time!

50/50 HF/FFOF is perfectly fine. But pleasssssse add some earthworm castings, you will thank me later!


Active Member
Has anyone used empire builder soil? I have some Qush seeds going on day 12 and need to transplant. the guy at my local hydro store keeps raving about it. I may run the FFOF and Empire Builder side by side w/ fox farm Super soil mix. Anyone use empire builder?


Active Member
its definitely a good idea to add some lime to ffof because of the soil lowering your ph so much... I watered with 6.7 ph distilled water for 2 weeks and it completely stunted my plants by lowering the ph so much... the runoff was about 5.0. I top dressed with lime, which corrected the problem(all new growth healthy, no progression of yellowing/spots). If watering with 6.7 ph brought the runoff to a 5.0, lime is almost a necessity