Soil grow under 600w hps


New Member
This is a pretty basic soil Grow,also my very first grow indoors
I'm unsure of the strain...would be nice for some advice on that.
I acquired the 2 clones pretty much on deaths door, pretty surprised they held in there
but 4 days in they had nice new growth :D

I'm growing in a garden shed that is 150x100x180
600w nanolux ballast,600W solarmax bulb
I mounted a Carbon Filter (100mm x 400mm) in the roof with a Ezi Air 100mm Centrifugal Fan sucking air out through it.
no intake....
iv currently just started using a hydroponics fert on them that's formulated for veg its a 2 part a+b
I think the pots may be 2gallon.
I used a pretty basic soil formulated for tomato's.

10 days veg

17 days veg

24 days veg

will continue to update, have topped them obviously and some lst . plants are healthy, no yellow anywhere ,some tips are curled though,lead to believe that could be due to over watering or to much N
not sure wen to switch to flower, but I want a larger size yield so I was thinking 6-8 weeks will my light provide enough for 2 larger plants?
am I making ok progress here?


New Member
I wouldn't be able to give any pointers or the I guess proper critique?
I'm a newbie to both this site and growing, I have 5 starts that I'm soon to transplant into a bigger pot. Like you, I chose to do the soil over all the coco/pearlite because I'm trying to grow as organic as possible.
I came here to post to ask just how much does that 1 600w bulb adds onto the monthly electric bill. Lol
Sorry I couldn't help, and I'd say your plants look pretty damn good in my opinion. Mine are still fairly small, and lacking nitrogen.
I got some nutrients and a 600w Metal Halide lamp with a 400w/600w dimmable ballast. I'll take pics of what I have later if I can figure how to upload lol


Well-Known Member
how is your temperatures in the shed ? and how is the leaf`s curling ? upwards or downwards ? edges or tip`s ? can be over watering as you said, but a wrong PH of your soil or a too high/low temperatures along with a very low/high RH can curse it, so can a too hot soil aso aso

but look good, I wouldn't wait for too long to flower em, remember they can easily double in size and there are a limit to what the 600W can cover/penetrate (4x4 ft and about 2ft down) so continue to train em, get that wide flat canopy so you can keep most of the Bud site`s with in the strong light


New Member
hey bro,
I haven't encountered my first power bill while running this setup yet, not looking forward to it though.
It depends on what you pay per KwH. if it was 10 cents per Kwh and you used a 600W light for 12 hours a day I think the math would be
.600(600W) x .10(10 cents) x 12(hours) = .72 so 72 cents a day....
I may be wrong.......

And my clones were F*%#@% when I got a hold of them and they came rite with just plain tap nutes for the first 2 weeks


New Member
Hey mr Ganja the tips are folding down on a few leaves,edges look fine
and I have an avge temp of about 30-32 deg c ranging from 20-34 with lights on, due to the fact I run during the day. I have a couple oscillating fans blowing around in there, and im not sure if my weather station should be directly under the lights it sits at the base of the pots tho, so how accurate it is im not sure,but it is a lil warm in there

I cycle between watering with fert than plain water every 2 days and I water 3 times in that day 1L at a time,fert mix has a ph 0f 6.5 and tap water 7. I have no way at present to test the soil itself.


Well-Known Member
power cost really depend on your local price`s and extra fee`s (Im in scandinavia so my power cost is astronomic and one of the reason why I run LEDs)

but a 600W HID set up with ventilations and everything would probably cost anything between 50 and 100$ a months to run (believe mine cost close to 100$ when I had a 600W HPS running, but thats still 1/5 of what it would cost to buy the smoke)


New Member
I'm not even sure how to find out yet alone add it up. I'm just hoping it's under $60 (Unsure where everyone is on this site, I live in Las Vegas, NV USA.)
I've come from and they're mostly in the UK.. Great help, just massively desperate for advice and whatnot.
My plants are still in veg, so I'll need 18 on and 6 off.
Damn dude, that sucks really. I thought I had it bad. The guy I got my clones from put them in quart sized buckets, full with coco/pearlite, they we're pretty good size when I bought them, about a foot or so maybe?
But what he did was he put them all in a ballast box bent them down and then totally taped the box shut making the one of the stems that held the leaf to snap. So it went from being into shock, to picking up a tiny bit, down to having a Nitrogen deficency.


New Member
Geeze, that's outrageous. I think though I might be alright even if it does add additional $100 a month.
Because it's really a fraction of what I would buy monthly.
I've recently got my medicinal license and not to keep dragging along I'll just leave it as I'm terminally ill and need it.
I've been spending about $100 for 9 grams, which barely lasts an entire month for me. So basically, running a little low on money and trying to pay around the same price or less if possible to grow. That yield will be much greater that 9 grams obviously.
I'll have 3 in flowering out of the 5 as the other 2 are still fairly small.


Well-Known Member
I'm not even sure how to find out yet alone add it up. I'm just hoping it's under $60 (Unsure where everyone is on this site, I live in Las Vegas, NV USA.)

I have no real idea, but if I had to guess a place on Earth where power is cheap, that would probably get on my top 10 list


New Member
I water with distilled water whenever the coco/pearlite is seemingly dry. I remember to always add just enough to make moist and not sopping wet.
It was originally coco/pearlite, but recently I added some Organic Miracle Gro soil for plants like tomatoes cause it's all I can afford at the moment.
Any pointers on the most organic yet affordable way to keep away pests? I live in the desert and I really don't want bugs D:
Ive heard people say use dish soap which I think it may be specific soap? I sprayed a little water with a small drop of soap on my leaves as I put them out in my background as much as possible because for 2 weeks I didn't have a light. The leaves ended up being burned from the soap water. I've heard people say to use scotch bonnet pepper strained into water which I fear even though as much as I love my spicy food, that it'll alter the taste... I've heard cinnamon works too? I just want a few confirmations before I make anymore rookie mistakes lol.


Well-Known Member
relative humidity

a very low humidity (under 20%) can make the leaves cup down in a attempt to keep its moister, a high RH in flowering (over 70%) can promote mold and mildew aso

try to keep a RH around 40-60%


New Member
I've no idea or how to check. I still need to get a pH pen later on.
They've just been in the quart sized buckets with coco/pearlite(and now mixture of soil for nutrients). I watered them for the first time 3 days after getting them.
The mix is still pretty moist and it's been around I think 3 weeks? They we're already wet from when I received them.


New Member
oh i see,my humidity stays between thos levels,
when i transition into flower,is it better to simulate real day light by slowly decreasing light hours till im down to 12 or does it not make a difference?