well if youve already had a real good outdoor crop then i dont think the organics will "blow you away"
usually the only time your blowed away by taste is when you are used to nothing but hydro, then get a real good dirt bag. (an that only applies when you know water guys an hydro guys an they are both at the top of their game)
then there is always gonna be that random species grown by that one guy , that will blow you away everytime he comes around.
what will blow you away is the difference in the preparation of the holes, the medium and the way the plant responds to it all. i get a wood thinkin about it .....sorry.
so you just used topsoil an MG mix an got 12 off one. thats great!
how big was your hole ?
did you feed them additional food ?
did you add perlite ?
an just for your own knowledge base , did you pull it out or cut it at harvest ? i just wonder if the whole "pot" come out of the ground with it or if your roots actually made it into your existing soil ? that lets you know a couple different things that are helpful in future grows.
1. if the roots stayed in the "pot" (hole) then that means you had plenty of food in that whole.
2. if the roots stayed in the pot , then its possible your ground dirt is horrible for mj.
3. if it rooted well into the ground dirt then its possible your ground dirt is the SHIT.
there is so much to learn out there if you just pay close attention.
my guess is that since you are using a far superior medium (not that MG is bad) with a LOT more aeration and far more organic matter/food, then you should yield
well above the lb your lookin for if your using the same species. if not using the same genetics then you will still get a half lb per plant , no prob. (if the environment is "normal")
those are big holes your talkin about , so that gives the roots that much more aeration an availble food. you might even want to tie them over like a vine to create more tops an less height. with good water , and a lil maintenance i would not be surprised at all to see a couple lbs per plant. dont EXPECT that at all , but it would not surprise me at all.
if you got the same genetics , things are lookin very good
keep us posted ..... an let us know if you need help with the babies.