Soil Mixes & Fertilizer Options


Active Member
I have done a couple of grows now using Miracle Gro soil but my next grow I am looking to mix my own soil mix and would like some opinions as to what works well so I may have some options. I also am looking for good fertilizer options as well and prefer to use organics if possible. Any and all opinions/experiences are greatly appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
I grow in a mix I make up and then add nutes with the water. I get some cheap indoor potting soil that has no added nutes, just what is naturally in the compost that is part of the soil. My mix is about 20% potting soil, 30% Peat Moss, 30% plain Perlite (not the MG stuff with nutes), and 20% vermiculite. I also add in some casings and lime. It seems to keep good aeration, not get too dense, and decent water retention. You can see in pics below (plus I am really happy with how these little girls are looking so far and like to share).

CY 4-3-13 1.jpgCY 4-3-13 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
For natural fertilizers I use bat guano. I poor the BG in a very thin sock or women's nylon and then suspend it in a 5 gallon bucket filled with water. Squeeze it evey once in a while and it turns into a nice brown nutrient rich 5 gallons of goodness


Active Member
Well I just bought two 1.5 cubic foot bags of Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil along with a couple bags of perlite as well which I will be using for my next grow. I am hoping that the feminized Pure Power Plant and autoflower feminized Short Ryder I grow in it will do amazingly. Will probably do a 70% soil and 30% perlite mix and see how that works.