soil/nute question for a nube going organic


Active Member
Hey, first time growing. I'm growing outdoors in flower pots (i'm in south america so its only just coming to be spring/summer).

the first guys I planted in basically just organic compost + potting soil although after reading more i think i'm going to mix in some pearlite tonight to their medium.

The ones that just finished germinating i planted with perlite, worm castings, organic compost and potting soil.

My question is is this enough or should I be adding other nutes along the way at some point? what would someone suggest and when in the process would they be added?

I can't get any the brands that people talk about here since like i've said i'm in south america, but they have orgnanic fertilizer at the gardening store.

anyways let me know.

here is apicture of one of the guys so far:

i would think living in s. america u could get your hands on some primo organic material . work some bat terds in with it.fruit bats ive read is the best,but dont overdo it.and wait a few weeks before ya use it dont wanna burn it up:eyesmoke:

Well-Known Member
the official hillbilly mix now stands at 1/4 bio dynamic compost, and 3/4 perlite vermiculite coco coir....drainage is critical! and my compost has a laundry list of goodies in it; so it's plenty. how about that amazon black soil from pre-columbus days? you can make that(actually better) in your compost pile. just be sure to add lots of carbon (charcoal for all you gringos reading), and fish, and sea weed(aquatic plant material, especially algae),and whatever manures are available.


Well-Known Member
En que parte de sudamerica vives? He vivido en Colombia hace catorce anos!! Estoy pensando que estas en Argentina O Chile. El mejor es que estas en Argentina. Verdad?



I'm using bat guano, 10-3-1, bone meal 6-9-0, and kelp meal 0-0-6 (more or less) for vegging, and I'll switch over to High P guano here in a week or so when I go to flower. OhSoGreen and Seamaiden and a few of the others here can help steer ya straight (figure of speech). They do know their shit!!! literally.