Soil nutrients for virgin grower

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
No i said it removes 99% of what's in the water, the city here does have chlorine in the water. it's not drinkable if you don't filter it. My filter removes 99% of the chlorine and other crap that is in the tap water. I never said the water was 99% crap. The tap water here is NOT great if you don't live here how can you tell me whats in my cities water? You can smell the bleach when it's running from the tap or just sitting in a cup it smells like clorox big time. my tap water if you ph it with the vial system that i have is maxxed out, it can't get any greener it's about a 7.5 or 8.
Are you saying that based on looking at your municipal water data or based on how it smells and what people say?
Honestly, there's a lot of witchcraft out there. Go look it up, it was super-enlightening for me, and I started drinking my tap water again because it turns out to be some of the safest city water on the planet. I was told a million times how dangerous it was, but then I googled it.

Yo OP: The Fox Farm nutrient trio is a good way to start if, and only if:
  1. You ignore everything but Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom for the first grow.
  2. You don't feed for two weeks after germination, at minimum.
  3. You don't feed more than 1/4 strength to start.
  4. You don't go over 1/2 strength of their suggested dose for your first grow.
  5. You do a flush with straight water a couple of times a week over the last 1-2 weeks of flower depending how much you over-did the feeding despite all the great advice in 1-4.
Ha! Seriously, though it works. I'm not jocking for FF, it is merely what I know. There are other good suggestions in the thread, obviously.
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Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
What's witchcraft about a drinking water filter that removes 99% of the chlorine and particulates in the water? It's just what the filter says it does and the water smells like clorox without it. There's no witchcraft, i didn't site any scientific data. You guys are just demonizing me for stating what my water filter does lol.
Nope, not at all, totally just suggesting that you look up the actual water data. I didn't say fuck-all about your filter, and I know what it does, but thanks. You're a bit defensive, dude. I'm not "you guys" either, just "some guy." I wasn't saying your filter was witchcraft, I was saying sometimes there is urban superstition about water quality and you'd be doing yourself a favor to go check for yourself. Never-bloody-mind, you aren't able to take good advice, at least not at this moment.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the responses and trying to not turn this into a brawl! Lol I'm just here to learn from you guys no need for conflict but it's all good.
Are you saying that based on looking at your municipal water data or based on how it smells and what people say?
Honestly, there's a lot of witchcraft out there. Go look it up, it was super-enlightening for me, and I started drinking my tap water again because it turns out to be some of the safest city water on the planet. I was told a million times how dangerous it was, but then I googled it.

Yo OP: The Fox Farm nutrient trio is a good way to start if, and only if:
  1. You ignore everything but Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom for the first grow.
  2. You don't feed for two weeks after germination, at minimum.
  3. You don't feed more than 1/4 strength to start.
  4. You don't go over 1/2 strength of their suggested dose for your first grow.
  5. You do a flush with straight water a couple of times a week over the last 1-2 weeks of flower depending how much you over-did the feeding despite all the great advice in 1-4.
Ha! Seriously, though it works. I'm not jocking for FF, it is merely what I know. There are other good suggestions in the thread, obviously.

I think I will follow this advice directly. So Michael my question for you use do I invest in an RO machine or would the tap water be fine. I've heard RO machines are a necessity but I believe those were regarding hydro not soil grows. Again just asking for your opinion. Thanks everyone!

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the responses and trying to not turn this into a brawl! Lol I'm just here to learn from you guys no need for conflict but it's all good.

I think I will follow this advice directly. So Michael my question for you use do I invest in an RO machine or would the tap water be fine. I've heard RO machines are a necessity but I believe those were regarding hydro not soil grows. Again just asking for your opinion. Thanks everyone!
Just use tap water, in my opinion.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
MYROS (pictured above) by Extreme Gardening also has a good foliage spray called "cal-mag" - can get sample pack's for $15.00 One can grow a very large root ball's; your plants foundation !!

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Hey looking good!
I chopped my purple wreck and put a little auto in the flower tent to take its place while I wait to chop the rest. Still not pHing my water, and I feel blessed. Using Blumats and a combination of 1.5 tsp per gallon of Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, or Grow Big Hydro depending how they look in soil, because I'm a rebel I guess. Blah blah blah, picture.


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Active Member
Beautiful ladies guys! Hey Michael what do u think of the blu mats I've heard good things about them but just wondering if it really overcomes hand watering?

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Beautiful ladies guys! Hey Michael what do u think of the blu mats I've heard good things about them but just wondering if it really overcomes hand watering?
There are some limitations with what nutrients you can run, don't use stuff with lots of particulates or they can get clogged, or worse they will stick open and flood your shit. Sometimes you get a bit of salt build up, run a few gallons of straight water occasionally to flush the tubes out a bit.

The supply hose that comes stock is bullshit, way too stiff, get some flexible black silicone ~1/4" tubing, like the hydro folks use, for the supply lines. Don't bother with the distribution drippers, one regular size Blumat is enough to water a 5 Gal pot and the distribution drippers don't work unless you only run straight water, any amount of salt build up renders them useless and may also cause a flood.

You'll need the supply shutoff valve and the reservoir spigot for each setup, at minimum. If I had to do it over again I'd order the full $108-$129 kit with all the little accessories, but for the price I still love them.

I haven't watered the tent in that picture by hand in at least 5 weeks now. Once you get it set up correctly for your environment just fill the reservoir and visually check on the plants, almost too easy.

Oh yes, one more thing, there are little caps for the carrots that are sold separately, real handy once you get it dialed so you don't accidentally change your setting when pruning or cleaning up the understory.

Once I learned how to use them I fell in love. Had a fair bit of trial and error on the way, read the instructions. ;)

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the responses and trying to not turn this into a brawl! Lol I'm just here to learn from you guys no need for conflict but it's all good.

I think I will follow this advice directly. So Michael my question for you use do I invest in an RO machine or would the tap water be fine. I've heard RO machines are a necessity but I believe those were regarding hydro not soil grows. Again just asking for your opinion. Thanks everyone!
I grow organic water only soils......I still use RO. Then again I am rural and have organic iron problems in my water....

Long time rule of thumb for RO is if your water is over 150ppm. Use RO...

Relying on city water having enough Ca in it is dumb! You simply just don't KNOW what is in it! Any water but RO for that matter!

I like RO for have a clean slate and then putting in what I want SO I know exactly whats in it!

You want to be as easy as you can? Dyna Gro FOLIAGE PRO from start to finish.....Water, feed, water, feed etc etc....

NO FLUSH at the end.....That's simply a myth!


Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
I grow organic water only soils......I still use RO. Then again I am rural and have organic iron problems in my water....

Long time rule of thumb for RO is if your water is over 150ppm. Use RO...

Relying on city water having enough Ca in it is dumb! You simply just don't KNOW what is in it! Any water but RO for that matter!

I like RO for have a clean slate and then putting in what I want SO I know exactly whats in it!

You want to be as easy as you can? Dyna Gro FOLIAGE PRO from start to finish.....Water, feed, water, feed etc etc....

NO FLUSH at the end.....That's simply a myth!

Yo Doc, I >90% agree, except in my city municipal water data is publicly available that tells me exactly what the min-max of Calcium and all the other trace minerals are, specific data down to the exact natural aquifer our house draws from. I'm pretty sure most cities have this data available to a greater or lesser degree. I can't say exactly what is in it on day x, but I can say what the minimum, maximum and average calcium (and everything else) from that well is over the course of 30 years, and it works great.

I know RO gives you complete control and all but, when possible, I keep it as simple as possible.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yo Doc, I >90% agree, except in my city municipal water data is publicly available that tells me exactly what the min-max of Calcium and all the other trace minerals are, specific data down to the exact natural aquifer our house draws from. I'm pretty sure most cities have this data available to a greater or lesser degree. I can't say exactly what is in it on day x, but I can say what the minimum, maximum and average calcium (and everything else) from that well is over the course of 30 years, and it works great.

I know RO gives you complete control and all but, when possible, I keep it as simple as possible.
Nice and that's the point. If you know.......I haven't lived in the shity, whoopsy, city for decades.....Be aware that water quality changes seasonally.....
I'll bet that is the swing between your hogh and low....


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Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Nice and that's the point. If you know.......I haven't lived in the shity, whoopsy, city for decades.....Be aware that water quality changes seasonally.....
I'll bet that is the swing between your hogh and low....


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I have an acquaintance who works for the local water utility, and I am a hydrology nerd because of fly fishing, so yeah, totally with you on that.