Soil or hydro ???

Short n sweet

Setup a cheap hydro in the closet of my spare bedroom, got infested with all sorts of a-holes.
I was getting great results so I want to just move on. Call it a loss. I trashed everything. Went out bought full air cooled 1000w HPS light set up and I cleaned out the entire 12 x 12 room. So i have all the room and the start of all the equipment.

Worth growing in soil ? Or should I get a nice hydro setup and just grow less plants?


Well-Known Member
Short n sweet

Setup a cheap hydro in the closet of my spare bedroom, got infested with all sorts of a-holes.
I was getting great results so I want to just move on. Call it a loss. I trashed everything. Went out bought full air cooled 1000w HPS light set up and I cleaned out the entire 12 x 12 room. So i have all the room and the start of all the equipment.

Worth growing in soil ? Or should I get a nice hydro setup and just grow less plants?
how many grows did you do? if its your first or your still a newb at things i say soil. i did 2 grows so far and im still doing soil it works pretty good.


Rebel From The North
If you got a green thumb i would go with hydro! But if your just starting out, save yourself some headache and go soil!


Well-Known Member
I prefer soil over hydro any day. Hydro is alot of maintenance and I already have a high maintenance woman to deal with.


Well-Known Member
Soil is much more forgiving. 4 parts FFOF, 4 parts Happy Frog, 2 parts perlite. Add in some dolomite lime and some mycorrhizae and let em grow......
Do you mix your own soil? What kind of yields from a 5x5 grow space under 1000w ? I've read with experience a gram a watt with hydro. How about soil? :weed:

Also . I live in the new amsterdam, southern California so the best bud is readily available a mile away . Does soil give you that fire OG were all looking for ?


Rebel From The North
I disagree! Well if you got the skill And know how hydro is less maint!

But one person idea of maintenance is different from another!


Well-Known Member
I've been growing soil for years now. Tried a dwc setup couple grows ago and it didn't go well so I'm back to what I know. My buddy just brought me his whole ebb n grow system might try hydro again. Idk I doubt it.
how many grows did you do? if its your first or your still a newb at things i say soil. i did 2 grows so far and im still doing soil it works pretty good.
Ive done half a grow . Well more like a third. I vedged some plants in a cheap hydro and got infested with pests. Are u growing under 1000watts..?


Well-Known Member
Do you mix your own soil? What kind of yields from a 5x5 grow space under 1000w ? I've read with experience a gram a watt with hydro. How about soil? :weed:

Also . I live in the new amsterdam, southern California so the best bud is readily available a mile away . Does soil give you that fire OG were all looking for ?
You can get a gram per watt with soil in the right conditions. Some will debate that hydro cuts a week off the growing time but I think its a myth. I personally use FoxFarm soil + bone/blood meal because I'm lazy, but I have a friend who mixes his own coco compost in trash cans. He lets them furment until micronutrients are crawling around in there lol


Well-Known Member
I prefer hydro, you have much more control and faster growth. Soil to me presents too many problems and if problems it takes too long to alleviate. I've looked into DWC but feel it's too much trouble, ebb and flow is my preference....'course that's just my opinion. I don't feel hydro is too much maint, just have to watch PH and PPM.


Active Member
first things first, sanitise the place. Sulphur bomb your space with all you equipmet in there. Then scrub everything you can scrub with strong soap mix. Clean out all the little fukers that messed you about then start a fresh. If your still a novice (no insult intended) stick with soil until you have mastered it. Hydro is a world where you have to be on the ball and know what you are doing or you will lose everything in the blink of an eye. soil forgives, hydro punishes every mistake.