Soil Ph\Nutrient Ph

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I know this can seem very obvious to veteran growers but I need a confirmation on this while my grow is still lushious ( ;
First off, Ive been buying distilled and drinking water and adding CALiMAGic @ 3/4 strength.
Then add House and Garden Soil A + B. When using bottled, the ph will be a little over 5. (Tap will be about 6.5 exact) Is it true that even @ 5 ph I should NOT add ph up?

I got dyna gro PROTEKT and FOLIAGE PRO yesterday, the protekt will bring the ph up naturally. Didnt know if I could use that to my advantage, while getting the normal benefits?

*Also, House and Garden people say they feed/feed/feed/feed. Does that mean I should never just use plain water?
**I also get a good amount of runoff everytime, should I still "flush" like once a month?


Well-Known Member
Growing in soil? If so, ph of nutes is not as important as in hydro. A good soil will buffer the ph into the ideal range. If you measure the ph of your run off and measure the ph of your soil mix, you'll have a better idea of what is going on. If your growth is all healthy it is probably buffering fine.

Folks that feed every time tend to go with a lower ppm. I'm not familiar with the H&G schedule or feeding levels, but yes, it gets done by lots of folks.

Regarding flushing, no need if you are getting decent run off. That will be enough to keep salts from building up in your soil.



Well-Known Member
imo, depends on the type of soil you are using. I use ocean forest and i like to keep my ph around 6.5 when i water/feed. My run off ph when i do that is perfect. Also i water/feed/water/feed. I have used h&g before and thats how i did it. I use botanicare now and i do it the same way. If your going to feed every time definitely keep your ppm's low to not burn/lock out the plants

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Ya I use ocean forest as well, no dolomite though, next time. I just started giving them 6ml A 6ml B. (Drip Clean, Root Excelurator, protekt,calimagic (every 3rd or so), Photosynthesis Plus once and golden molasses once.

I measured ph at 6.9 for feed, thats not bad?