soil problems - growing in buckets


Active Member
Hi guys, i posted something before but i forgot to tell a few things;

we have a good soil but with a lot of different insects and animals in and around it, so i was thinking about growing in bigger bucket or vase in the woods...

HOW BIG SHOULD the bucket or vase be to get about 250grams per plant... I have 3 A.M.S. feminised seeds... they should be mold resistant (the greenhouseseeds says it so:roll:)

I was thinking obout 10 gallons buckets; any past exxperiences from anybody please...please because last year was a disaster (only three of 10 survived...) thanks


Well-Known Member
ten gallon pots will get you your 250gms. but conditions are 90% of your outcome. youve got the seeds you also need good soil, good ferts, and good sun. you probly already know this but just making sure. the bigger the pot the bigger the plant dont go with anything less than 10 gallons outdoors. the roots system on a big ganja plant can get quite large. definitly get the biggest your budget and outdoor conditions (security) will allow. good luck.


Active Member
two years ago was quite well - A.M.S. gave me 250-300g per plant, last year i had different plants - big bang and some clones that almost all molded and didn't grow big...

they molded becouse of the humidity... but i think that has to do even something with the soil...

the soil has lots of different parasites + it is so hard - i live near Italy and we have submediterranian weather - the soil itself is good for everithing, but something is damaging the plants...

the hole was a medium size but he roots couldn't expand in the soil because in my oppinion they couldn't penetrate deeper in the soil...

don' have ideas but only 1 thing is sure - the A.M.S. gave me good results and it is mold resistant (even the ams started to mold but thank god at the very end)...

don't know what to do any more - the buckets are a solution i think, but i don't know if i can use the gel that expands with water so i don't have to water them every day...

I D E A S please :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
IDK if theres Walmarts in Italy but if so use some of there rubbermaid storage totes. they come in 14-40 gallons and are cheap like 5 bucks for the smaller ones just punch a bunch of holes in the bottom and fill with whatever soil you like.