Well-Known Member
hey so this year im doing a gorilla grow with at least a hundred and fifty plants, they wont be all in the same spot though. I wanted 10 gallons of soil per plant and put them in grow bags but i dont have the funds for 1500 gallons of soil i was wondering if i could find a cheap way to make/mix good soil. i could ammend top soil with peat moss and rotting wood, would it be worth doing this or should i just not cheap out and come up with the money for good potting soil? should i use 5 gallons of peat moss per plant then mix it with good top soil and perlite because then it would only be half the cost? or does anyone know a place to get cheap potting soil or know a cheap way to mix my own. i was thinking about going to a gravel yard place that sells peat moss and you can get the back of your pick up filled... also will my plants need 10 gallons of soil or could i just put them in 5 gallons of really good soil and feed them nutes? i want maximum yeild per plant