soil scent of chlorine?


I go to look at my plants today and some of the soil which I watered 2 days ago smells like chlorine and some of the soil is very light brown. What is causing this? also I looked under the bottom of pot and some water was coming out..what is happening


Chlorine is volatile and evaporates out of a solution very quickly. Even if the water you used two days ago had a lot of chlorine in it I dont think there would be any still dissolved after two days.

Water coming out of the bottom of your bucket... Maybe there is a hole?

Light brown dirt... No idea.


Well-Known Member
chlorinated water could hold it in solution for a longer period once trapped in the soil. there's SUPPOSED to be water draining out after you water. quit using chlorinated water though. real talk. poison to all beneficials in soil. no bueno.


Letting the water sit out for a day or so before you water your plants would allow all the clorine to evaporate.

Ive read that the amount of chlorine that they put in municipal water systems is negligable when it comes to watering plants. No evidence to back that up though.

If your a baller you can purchase a RO water pruifying system.


The water I am using is purified. Not sure if it is for sure chlorine but it smells like some kind of chemical. Sort of like the smell of a hot tub.