Soil staying wet.


New Member
This is my first time growing and the soil stays wet.It drains out the holes but after a week it is still moist.I just used reg soil I had sitting around.After a wee I just watered it.What do you think I should do to get it to drain more.This is indoor under a cfl.


New Member
I do not have a fan on them should I.I checked with a meter I got at store It shows moistness I put some big grow in today and will check
in a week again.I put them out in the sun today and seems the sun and breeze dries it up a little.


Well-Known Member
I do not have a fan on them should I.I checked with a meter I got at store It shows moistness I put some big grow in today and will check
in a week again.I put them out in the sun today and seems the sun and breeze dries it up a little.
Those $10 meters are crap, you should not trust em in any way


Well-Known Member
Do you have a meter/weather station to measure temp and RH? I'm guessing a fairly large pot, too little light, low temps(60s), higher RH, so plant isn't using much, and little or none is evaporating.


New Member
I have them in garage and it is cool at night.Plants are small might be too much water for plants.I read you should have 20% runoff of pot.


Well-Known Member
any regular house fan will work. You don't need the air right on them when they are small. You just need to keep the air moving. This will help strengthen the stems , supply oxygen , and prevent mold.


Well-Known Member
The easiest way to know when to water is to weigh the pots with soil when they are dry. Then water them. When they get back to the dry weight, water again.

I think one of the most common problems is overwatering.

You're not going to get fast-growing plants with no fans and only CFL light. One of the reasons why your soil is staying wet is because the plant's processes are not firing on all cylinders, so-to-speak. They're waiting for more light and more air movement -two things that you almost can't overdo with cannabis- so that they can start transpiring the water you give them. They need water, too, but it's better to make them wait for it until they are really thirsty. The only way to tell for sure, with soil is by the weight. If the soil looks dry but the pots are still heavy, then don't water them.

You can get far better results by under-doing it on the water and overdoing with air movement and light.