Soil to use


Active Member
Hello guys, I'm almost ready to set up my grow room, but I'm having a real hard time with soil.

I wanted to skimp on the soil, but I'd rather not anymore thinking about the long term affects. I heard Fox Farm is sweet, but I don't want to drive 40 minutes to pick some up.

What are some alternatives? I'm not going to use Miracle Grow, and I haven't put much thought into mixing my own soil.

Ugh, shit can someone help me out here? :leaf:


Active Member
i dont know about other people. but ive had good luck with kellog patio soil. i think thats the name. i mix with lots of perlite. i dont know if anyone else reccomends it but mine are doing very well


New Member
Hello guys, I'm almost ready to set up my grow room, but I'm having a real hard time with soil.

I wanted to skimp on the soil, but I'd rather not anymore thinking about the long term affects. I heard Fox Farm is sweet, but I don't want to drive 40 minutes to pick some up.

What are some alternatives? I'm not going to use Miracle Grow, and I haven't put much thought into mixing my own soil.

Ugh, shit can someone help me out here? :leaf:

Try any animal feedstore ( horses livestock) ask for sunshine soil professional mix #4 it comes in big bails 3.8 cu ft for $25-35.